Prayer Our Father
This is the main prayer of every Christian. It is called the Lord's Prayer, because our Lord Jesus Christ taught it the apostles, and they gave to all believers (Matthew 6,9-13).
Think about those words before saying them. What is it about - is this prayer? And its meaning is simple: that's a man standing in front of his father, who loved him and whom he considers just as the Father. And he asks his patronage - what we need for our body and soul, asked protection. And how can a loving father to deny a child in a sincere request, and your heavenly Father will hear a man who in these words turned to him. That is why this prayer for all occasions, to you, no matter what happens, say those precious words, and relieved the hardships necessarily.

Our Father in heaven! Hallowed imyaTvoe, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Our daily bread, Give us this day; iostavi us our trespasses, for they as we forgive our debtors yin lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.