Prayer ban martyr St. Cyprian
Call on Thee, O Lord, God Almighty, the Most High, neiskusimy, peace king: call for thee, sotvorshago heaven and earth, of thee more proizyyde Alpha and Omega, the siesta: the beginning and end. Betraying the man in obedience and chetveronozhnyya bezslovesnyya zhivotnyya, Thou hast conquered Sia, Lord, stretch out your hand strong, and muscle your high and holy, and thy holy prisescheniem Visit your creation this, and he nizposli angel of peace, majestic angel, body and soul keeper , for they reject, and yes otzhenet from him every evil and unclean demon: for Thou art the Lord is one high Almighty, blessed for ever and ever, amen.
I conjure thee, soul, hostile, Almighty God.
I conjure thee by the Spirit, inhaled human life eternal by his name scared and usty human neizglagolenno.
I conjure thee coming with fire, and sand and a bogey and a trumpet, he also yavlshusya sun will run to the west, and the stars shall fall to the ground, and mourn all ye people and tribes. I conjure thee hodivshim by sea, and tame the waves thereof.
I conjure thee to command wills sea IzdAT all it istopivshiyasya, and land in her lying dead on the court predstaviti alive to God.
I conjure thee who commanded the sea its limit neprestupati, till priide Lord judge the world.
I conjure thee descended on Mount Sinai, and spake to Moses and Aaron, and yavlshimsya Ima in a flame of fire, and a pillar of cloud.
I conjure thee acquainted with its people from the land of Egypt, and gave them the sweet water from a stone pitii, and made the water into blood.
Conjure executed Egypt's ten plagues of Moses.
I conjure thee struck the firstborn of Egypt.
Conjure consumed Sodom and Gomorrah, and five other castles odozhdeniem from heaven ognenago hail.
I conjure thee sitting upon the throne of glory, before him, the same fire flows, and he also prestoyat ten thousands to the Angel, and thousands tysyascha archangel, and Serafim egregious: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the executive heaven and earth Thy glory, Thou art blessed unto ages Amen.
And you, the soul of evil, If ye do not even vozdazhd glory of Saints him and dezhe ashche sedishi udesi in the body creating it: either a chapter or a crown, or eyebrows, or ochiyu, or ushiyu or in usteh or a talking point, or neck, or splashing, or mezhdupleschima, or muscle, or perseh, or soul, or heart, or duck, or plyutsah, or in the womb, or under the belly, or in a winepress or in natural, predeleh, or in prison, or in veins or in the knees, or lystah, or leg, or arm, or leg, or a lodger. Or in krovavitsi, or kosteh, or in the brain, or blood, or vlaseh, or nogteh, or throughout the body, was away to remove and izyydi, wicked soul. And grant me the glory of the Gods, for the Lord over all is strong: for swearing and dezhe If anyone calls on the name of the Lord, hedgehog ischeznuti you.
I conjure thee name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Raspenshagosya under Pontius Pilate. I conjure thee rekshim: heaven is my throne, the earth is my footstool.
I conjure thee his Archangels, Michael and Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael.
I conjure thee great name of the Son of God, otluchitisya of creating this world, and below him yasti below hard being with him, but Dachi glory and service of Saints it.
I conjure thee, to vseobraznoe of suffering, and the attack the day and midnight to where ashche esi, absented himself from the creation of this world, and neizvedi soul, nor razsypili nor devastating his body. But leave it clean and alive to God in the service.
I conjure thee future utverditi throne between heaven and earth, and to judge all mankind. Same righteous and sinful. You UBO, soul unclean uboysya Holy Name it, and otidi of creating this world. Uboysya unquenchable fire, uboysya kinship ognennago vsepoyadayuschego: Uboysya store for you and the fire of hell and a bogey gubitelevi: Uboysya yavlshagosya Moiseovi and Aaron at Mount Sinaystey. Uboysya yavlshagosya John on retse Iordanstey, it is seen the river uboyasya, and lost, and returned vospyat: And you wicked soul uboysya, depart and they feared the creation of this world.
Conjure odeyuschimsya of creating this world.
Conjure odeyuschimsya light rizoyu Thou, only hath immortality: Tom bo due all glory, honor, and worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever, amen.