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Prayer before the icon of the Theotokos

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Prayer before the icon of the Theotokos

Ekonomissa - means "domostroitelnitsa. According to legend, this image was on Mount Athos, and saved a Monastra from hunger. Since then, the icon made to pray in poverty, hunger crisis.

About virtuous Lady Mother of God, our Reverend Mother Abbess, all Orthodox monasteries inocheskago lives, in the holy mountain and Afonstey own who were in the entire universe! Receive our supplications smirennyya and bring all the generous Thou our God, he shall save our souls with His grace. Behold Thy mercy upon us an eye and offer herself to the Lord our salvation, ponezhe without mercy of our Savior and thy holy about us request, we damned, is not possible sovershiti their salvation, for they okalyahom our life in the vanity of the world, because the time is approaching harvest of Christ in Day Strashnago Court adaptability. We, okayannyya perish in the abyss of sin, for the sake of our negligence, according to what is said by the Holy Fathers, pervonachalnikov angelskago lives in the flesh: For the last negligence Monas lives become like a mundane lyudem, hedgehog and sbystsya this day, because monasticism our swim His Life its sea zhiteystem among the great storms and bad weather: For our holy monastery in the dust of stay for our sins, most just of our Lord Jesus Christ, taco Mercifully, we're not worthy, do not have a chapter where podkloniti. About our sweetest Mother Abbess! Collect Ny, razseyannoe flock of Christ, together and save all Orthodox Christians, vouchsafe paradise with angels and all saints in the kingdom of Christ our God, He is honor and glory to the Eternal Father and with His holy and good and life-giving Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
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