Prayer for a safe pregnancy
O Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy servant, and "Come to help me during my illness and the risks that give rise to all the poor children of the daughter of Eve. Remember, O blessed among women, with what joy and love, You walked hurriedly to the hill country to visit srodnitsu Thy Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a wonderful act of grace made thy visitation, and mother and baby. And thy inexhaustible blagoserdiyu grant me, humiliated unto thine handmaid, relieved from the burden of safely, grant me this grace to a child, now resting under my heart, when they came to life with joyful vzygraniem, like the Holy Innocents John worshiped the Divine Lord and Saviour, who out of love for us sinners, not abhorred, and he himself become a baby. Neizglagolannaya joy with which the virgin was filled your heart with views on the newborn thy Son and Lord, that delight the grief, coming to me among the diseases of birth. Life of the world, my Savior, born of thee, but to save me from death, and suppresses the lives of many mothers in an hour permit and yes prichtet the fruit of my womb among the elect of God. Hear, Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble supplication, and look upon me, poor sinner, the eye of Thy grace; not be ashamed of my hope in Thy great mercy, and I fall. Assistant Christians Istselitelnitsa disease, but spodoblyus and I try to imagine that you, Mother of mercy, and I may glorify Thy grace always, do not ever rejected the prayers the poor and relieving all call upon thee in time of trouble and illness. Amen.