Prayer for deliverance from the malady of drunkenness
Prayer to the image of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Cup"
About Premiloserdaya Lady! By thy intercession now resort, our prayers do not despise, but milostivno hear us: women, children, mothers and serious illness pianstva possessed, and that for the sake of mother of his own - the Church of Christ and salvation disappear, sisters and brothers and kinsmen of our heal. O Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and will soon vozstavi from falls of sin, to bring them salvation abstinence. Pray His Son, Christ our God, forgive us our sins and turn away His mercy from His people, but let it strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Receive, Most Holy Theotokos, praying mother, shedding tears chadeh their wives, about their muzheh crying, children, the orphaned and the poor, deceived abandoned, and all of us who cling to the icon of Thy. And come, this is our cry, Pray, to the throne Vsevyshnyago. Cut and Keep us from evil ciated and all wiles of the enemy in the same terrible outcome of our Pomozov hour pass without offense till vozdushnyya ordeal, the prayers of Thy deliver us vechnago condemnation, but the grace of God will cover us in the endless ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer to St. Boniface Gracious
On the All-Holy Vonifaty, gracious servant Miloserdago Lord! Hear resorting to you, obsessed with addiction to wine drinking and, as in his earthly life you'll never refused to help those who ask you, and now deliver these unfortunate (s). Once, God-enlightened father, hail broke your vineyard, you just gave thanks to God, ordered the few remaining clusters are put in a stone and call the poor. Then, taking a new wine you poured it drop by drop in all the vessels that were in their dioceses, and God, performing prayers gracious, made a glorious miracle: the wine in the wine press abound, to the poor filled their vessels. Oh, the saint of God! As for your prayers abound wine for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so are you, blessed, to reduce its now where it does harm, save the attachment to him predayuschihsya shameful passions of wine drinking (s), heal them from serious illness, free from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, let them, the infirm, the strength and power transfer prosper in this temptation, bring them to a healthy, sober life, send them on the path of work, put it in their quest for sobriety and spiritual vitality. Help them, Vonifaty servant of God, when the thirst for wine will burn down their throat, destroy their destructive desire to refresh their mouth heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, put their feet on the rock of faith and hope that, leaving his emotional attachment, leading to the excommunication from the kingdom of heaven, they established themselves in piety, worthy of an honorable peace, and death in the eternal light of the infinite dignity of the Kingdom of Glory glory of our Lord Jesus Christ with His Eternal Father and the holy and life-giving Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.