Prayer for the sick to the Lord
O Lord, the Almighty, the Holy King, nakazuyay and umerschvlyayay, utverzhdayay nizpadayuschyya and raise nizverzhennyya, telesnyya men ispravlyayay sorrow, we pray Thee, O God, thy servant (name), nemoschestvuyuscha Visit the thy mercy, forgive him every transgression voluntary and involuntary. Yea, O Lord, Your power doctor's nizposli from heaven, Teles touch, faded ognevitsu who tamed passion and all manner of lurking, wake doctor thy servant (name), will raise it up from the couch and the bed boleznennago anger intact, and all-perfect, give it Thy Church blagougozhdayuscha and tvoryascha Thy will, Thy bo is, hedgehog and milovati spasati Ny, our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.