Prayer if no children
Hear us, merciful and almighty God, so our prayers will be bestowed Your Grace. Be merciful, O Lord, the prayer of ours, remember thy law is the multiplication of the human race, and be gracious patron, but by Thy help continue thee well established. Thou by thy power out of nothing created everything, and laid the foundation of the world's existing - and created man in His own image, and high mystery of blessed union of marriage and predukazanie secret union of Christ with the Church. Look down, Mercy on Thy servants now, (name) joined the marital union, and imploring thy help, so be on them thy mercy, that they may be fertile, and they may see their children's children even before tretyago chetvertago and kind, and to the desired age will survive and will the kingdom of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship befitting the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.