Prayer of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov about getting rid of poverty
Lord, You care, priemlesh sinners! And raise the dead! And caused the waters of the sea, the winds of heaven! And strange to grow bread in your hands, give thousand-harvest - posevayutsya, reap, baked and refracted in the same time, in an instant! And alchesh you take to save us from the iron! And you crave, so that our thirst went away! And traveling the country with our exile utruzhdeniem themselves to regain our lost us, quiet, full of sweet heavenly nature! You're sweating in Your garden of Gethsemane, so we stopped sweating in our sniskanii bread, learned to shed his prayers for a decent communion bread of heaven. Proizraschennoe we cursed earth thorns, Thou hast taken in thy head, thou hast crowned with thorns izyazvil Blessed your head! We lost the paradise tree of life and its fruit, conveyed immortality tasted - You, prostrate on the tree of the cross is become for us the fruit, daruyuschim partakers of His eternal life. And the fruit of life and the tree of life appeared on earth, in the camp also are our exile. This fruit and this tree is better than the paradise: those reported to immortality, and these reports immortality and divinity. Thy sufferings you poured the sweetness in our suffering. We reject the worldly pleasures to be elected in a lot of suffering, just to be partakers of Thy sweetness! She, as a foretaste of eternal life, sweeter and more precious time of life! You fell asleep sleep mortals who could not keep you in eternal slumber. You - God! You rose up and gave us the thrill of this sleep, from freezing sleep of death, given the blessed and glorious resurrection! You lifted updated our nature into heaven, sat her on the right hand of the eternal, thee sovechnogo your father! Our Lord! Bestow on us and on earth and in heaven to praise, to bless, to praise thy goodness! Give us a frank face mature terrible, invincible, great thy glory, forever to ripen her, worship her, and luxuriate in her. Amen.