Prayer of quarrels and scandals in the family
Prayer is an ancient, holy words of the quarrels which so scandals family help protect themselves. I felt that the coming "storm", immediately retire and read a prayer, crossed himself three times after. And every day it starts well and ends. Its strength is immense.
Merciful gracious God, our beloved Father! You're on your gracious will of Thy Divine providence has placed us in a state of holy wedlock, so we set thy lived in it. We are comforted with thy blessing uttered in thy word, which says: who found a wife has found good, and receive a blessing from the Lord. Lord God! Hast made us to live life with one another in the fear of Thy divine, because Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, firmly to his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon the earth, the righteous shall be blessed race. Make that more than just love your word, eagerly listened to and studied it, that we should be like the tree planted by the sources of water, that brings forth its fruit in its time and whose leaf does not wither her husband to be like that in everything he does , manages. Hast done well, so we lived in peace and harmony to the marriage state our loved chastity and honesty, and did not receive their opposite to our house lived in peace and we have kept the good name.
Give us the grace to raise our children in fear and punishment of Thy divine glory to you out of their mouth vozmog give himself praise. Grant them an obedient heart, so they will benefit.
Protect our house, our property and contraction of water and fire, hail and storms, from thieves and robbers, because everything that we have, you gave us because Mercifully and keep it in thy power, because if you do not will create a house it labor in vain that build it, if thou, O Lord, do not save people, then not sleeping guard in vain, Thy loved ones to send.
You're all set up and all rights and rule over all: loyalty and rewards all love to you and punish any infidelity. And when thou, O Lord my God, didst send voshochesh us suffering and sorrow, give us patience, so we dutifully obeyed thy paternal punishment, and graciously received us. If we fall, do not abhor us, supported us and again vozstavi. Help us our sorrow and console us, and do not forsake us in our needs, give us, so do not prefer temporary forever, because we brought nothing with him into this world, nothing is taken out of him.
Will not suffer us to cling to srebrelyubiyu, this root of all their affliction, but yes trying to succeed in faith and love and reach eternal life to which we are called. God the Father bless and keep us. God the Holy Spirit let us turn to his face and he would grant us peace. God the Son, so enlighten his face: and God have mercy on us Holy Trinity yes saves input and outcome of our now and forever. Amen!