Prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian
O holy ugodniche God svyaschennomucheniche Kyprianou, fast and pomoschniche molitvenniche of all, to you, resorting! Accept from us unworthy praise this, ask the Lord God in nemoscheh strengthen, comfort and all the sorrows of all useful in our lives, lift up the Lord blagomoschnuyu your prayer, but protect us from falling sinful, but teach us true repentance, let him deliver us from captivity and diabolical vsyakago deystva unclean spirits and tame obidyaschih us. Budi us a strong advocate for all the enemies and vidimyya nevidimyya, podazhd us patience in temptations and the hour of death didst cast waking Power leveling from us torturers hardship on the air, but you are leading, Gornyago reach Jerusalem, and was granted to the kingdom of heaven with all the saints and to sing to glorify the Holy Name Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.