Prayer petitions for guardian angel Twelfth day
Guardian angel! Animated my heart is so divine fervor that ignites holy men who bore all pain and suffering and even death itself with joy. For this, O holy Angel of mine, reminds me constantly of eternity. Reminder of eternity is the true wisdom, beyond all human wisdom. It excites holy desires, enlightens the mind and enhances mental vigor. But the enemy prevents him to penetrate into my soul; akogda it has penetrated into it, the enemy tries to darken it. Angel of God! Mercifully, that the idea of eternity has always been my mind, then pleasure and treasure of this world would not tempt me: I would prefer them to sorrow and ruin, and sanctifying grace the soul force. I choose life humbly, remote from the bustle of the world where the silence will be the subject of my reflection eternal summer. Here I have all the consumption moments of my brief existence on it to acquire the wealth, which, together with thee, I will continue to enjoy all eternity.