Prayer petitions for guardian angel Twenty-fifth day
Oh, heavenly messengers of mercy, Guardian angels! favors to introduce us all to the glory of God.
Angels of the pastors of Christ's flock! Encourage their pious zeal, be it the way they are holy and let people follow them Christian!
Angels pious souls, angels, sacred monasteries! Accept the my praise, thanksgiving and prayer.
Angels unfortunate sinners! hold them to the brink of the abyss, save their hands infernal tormentor; Show the mercy to the erring brethren Sim.
Angels are sick and sorrowful! reassurance of my brothers, their hunger with bread divine grace.
Angels die! save the souls of believers in Jesus Christ. Protect them in the last fight with the enemy and enter them in triumph to heaven.
Angels fathers and our mothers! pour into their hearts of God's abundant blessings of the jet, so that they, together with their children, honored the kingdom of heaven.
Guardian angels of our brothers and sisters! Bless them, send them all the benefits nastavte them on the right path.
Guardian angels of our friends! keep our hearts tender feelings of love, feed us the strength to help each other to achieve the holy life, so that we can always love each other.