Prayer petitions for guardian angel Twenty-seventh day
O Lord my God! You is all my bliss: say this, I can not help but shed tears of joy, I can not conceive of emotion without heart, that thou blagoizvolish dwell in us and sends his angels to be with us. Who can conceive of such an immense love thy us and not feel in the heart of the welcome consolation? Is it possible, oh my God, that after all thy mercies, was a man, after all the clear evidence of Thy love for him, he could offend you? Indeed, it so happens, has happened repeatedly, and with me, and - oh, if only I had been guilty of this shameful ingratitude! Blame me, every time I tried to make amends by repentance - and You forgave me, You are a great mercy to me and love beyond. Let it be my whole life is devoted to thanksgiving for Thy unspeakable mercy! Prolong me, O Lord God, help thy. If I left thee, then Vertograd my soul thou hast planted flowers virtues fade and it would fill the old derelict.

Not in vain, my Savior, not tolerate, that the soul which thou hast redeemed his sufferings, which you repeatedly delivered from the jaws of a serpent of hell, lost for ever.