Prayer petitions for guardian angel eleventh day
Hearken unto my cry holy angel of God. You are for me the same thing as a mother for a weak baby. Your love is my happiness, my reputation, my peace of mind. Your suggestion for me sweeter than honeycomb, melting in my mouth. They are acting upon me the mystery of his power, penetrate the soul and enliven the heart. One of your first name, a memory of you is daunting emotion of my soul. When the heat of passion ignites my senses, the thought of you, like life-giving dew cools them. You're disgusted by my light: I was always lit up the holy rays of divine truth. When the tempter will come to me under the mask of a friend, when evil is near me when my poor heart would avoid sin, - let me hear your voice of salvation. When my heart falleth humility and patience - will strengthen its yours suggestion. I am willing to listen to them, and all thy commandments, unless you help, I will gladly.