Prayer petitions for guardian angel sixteenth day
Oh, how comforting and soothing your suggestion, patron and protector, my guardian angel! I look at you my hope and the early morning appeal to you: keep me under her veil during the coming days. When the angel of Satan would annoy my soul delights of sin, protect and save me.
When he breathes in the heart of my evil thoughts and unclean desires, protect and save me.
When false speech corrupted by people touch my ear, protect and save me.
When wickedness will be disgusted by my hostility among the host of Jesus Christ, protect and save me.
When the battle my flesh will win the saints, the blessed thoughts, and let the body of the instrument of the soul in its low desires, protect and save me.
When the fall spirit in me and force faint of carelessness and folly, protect and save me.
When envy or impatience and discouragement take away my heart, protect and save me.
When the spirit of pride fills my mind vain thoughts will attract the praise of light, protect and save me.
When my imagination would take a great interest from objects to objects, and will not let me go quietly into reverent reflection, protect and save me.
When my inquisitive and restless mind from God and surrendering to the earth's vanity, will let her think, protect and save me.
At any time, be my star, my fortress, my cover, yes I will like you. O holy angel of mine! Such is my prayer that I want to bring to you at the beginning of every day. I asked for the grace of the Lord, that I may serve Him as you serve, to pray to Him as you pray, and, like you, to contemplate Him and enjoy His contemplation forever.