Prayer petitions for guardian angel tenth day
Oh, gentle and compassionate guardian angel! Pray for me.
You contemplate face to face Heavenly Father, pray for me.
Thou eat of the Source of heavenly delights, flowing from the depths of the Godhead, prayed for me.
You, enjoy eternal bliss, worshiped the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, pray for me.
You, illumined by the light of glory of Christ, prayed for me.
You're glorifying the greatness of God and Christ Trisagion him, prayed for me.
You, living in the infinite ocean of light, love and glory, pray for me.
You contemplate face to face blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for me.
You're seeing in the monastery and the crown of God's throne prepared for me, prayed for me.
You, whom I had once may sing the song of eternal glory of God, pray for me.
You who see the enemy, he fought for me, pray for me.
Thou who knowest blindness of my mind, impermanence of my heart and defilement of my flesh, and pray for me.
Love dostopoklonyaemoy Trinity, created me in his likeness, I beseech thee, save me.
Love of Jesus Christ shed his blood to atone for me, I beseech thee, save me.
Love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, accompanied her Divine Son on Calvary, brought a sacrifice for my salvation, I pray thee, hear my prayer and save me, lead me into the house of my Father, vouchsafe me the glory of heaven and eternal bliss.