Prayer spell on the devil and spirits nechistyya all the saints
You can read this prayer for protection or getting rid of the witch's influence or direct influence of demons when you suspect that you have been to that.
Az okoyanny servant of God (your name) pripadaet to all the saints, praying to them. Ilk are the creation of the world. A great feat to please God and the labor of many defeated the devil, the enemy of mankind's kind, and trample them in anything as stvorshe (together) with all his demons, accept me, a sinner to himself, and otimite me from my enemy, the horrible tormenting my soul body, and save on inoud all izbavleshe from it you can in the grace and the Holy Spirit pospehom vselshagosya you in holy souls, our ugodniche God, who art Givet from this place and this day and budishe to rebuke the devil last days, rebuke him, and now otgnav from me.

Pomozov me okoyannomu, blagodetelniche my pravedniche, God blagovestniche chady with their own, save me thy righteousness, otgnav from me a great sin, and loading and flood as He and the old sin. Me keeping as He and the ancient tribes uhran. Abraham, father betrothed to one true God, as He hast asked for salvation from God, not many, but a small righteous ways to escape from me than my all at once, Jacob, beloved of the mother's womb, Israel, God's mind clean zryai opera mene heel thy sly snake. And znamenai me cross. Grandson of his own as He bless and banners read this also. And sanctify me, rebuke, yes, I have not nepriblizhitsya his craftiness.
Job who art the Lord God loves his blagoveriem her and she called for the sake of art the love of God. Pray for me as He for his friends. Yeah me to save you from a deep dragon, hotyaschyago poglotiti me, As cha deliver all your misfortunes prirazheshihsya you, for they behold and a great wave is much Kamyanov wall.
Moses, the great gentle as He Israeli people thy rod znamenavayuschim sign of the cross. From lukavyya Satan breeding in Egypt. Immersed in the depths of Morstan. As He then Pharaoh Mori cherneem with dark egeptyany. Win a proud Amalek in the desert. Cross power Ogrady me, Jesus, salvation, the governor, and will run as He inoplemennyya languages of salvation to help me. Seky arms of the Lord thy enemies from before my servant of Christ (your name), voyuyuschago to me. Translate me on dry chres (through) the river of Jordan on the ground of God's promises with the new Israel.
Samoile, prizyvayay Lord for any help you poslushashe his mercy. And he blessed me anoint the suit of the Holy Spirit as He and the shepherd David, anointed, and the Ambassador and zlyya spirits banish them psalmskimi pesnmi svom both ten saints prorotsy Hosea, Amos, Mihee, Joel, Jonah, Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, and friends of four pillars of Thy great things in the image of the four evangelists.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel Izzekil and all ye that you're in a compartment Pray for me God preached by you deliver me from seen and unseen enemy of my coming to me all koznmi in place of evil thoughts and conversation, and in details. And the unclean spirit and napolniti all of my most pure Spirit, nesting in you. Whose Xia ispolnshe proritsaste saying and do not own who were former and future. And prozryasche dalnyago Thou neighbor from the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, Emmanuel. On the second and svetleem phenomenon from heaven pridusch packs and all velichstviih His divinity. And on the last death when Thou hoschet (wants) to neskonechnuyu flour vovreshi. Proud mind and dislike the devil with all The available and the spirits of devils in the eternal stratum (doom).
Elijah prophesy sluzhebniche holy God, as He zeal of the LORD cast out of Israel will destroy nasty missal nepriyazniny with all detelmi it. And for the sake of art in prestavlen Rai and until now, and will be until the last days to keep his denunciation of evil so as tacos and now prozheni it from me to perdition eternal.
Holy Elisha prophesy augmented, chudotvorche, heal me, deliver zlago disease. Water as He does not heal tvoryascha fetus. Yes, weak and al the fruit of righteousness of God sdrav.
Holy disciples of the Lord both in the ten apostles of Christ ihzhe names written in heaven. Imzhe is Cesti both floors of Christ on the ship all day judging language. Peter, Paul, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Iyakove Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iyakovl. Priemshi power of the eternal Son of God. Nastupati for snake and scorpion fish, and upon every power of the enemy and the Celite is every ailment and every plague in lyudieh and in all countries, through the same AEs proidoste vyzhinite of mene, prozhenite from the malevolent force the devil and all his wiles, and to heal me heal, filling me your prayers the Holy Spirit and of spiritual body.
The holy martyrs of Christ, all ye svetovavshe of His deity: Stephen, first deacon, mucheniche George, Theodore, Demetrius, Nester, Mercury, Samona, Aviv. St. Martyr divine: Vite, Lawrence, Floriana, Hristogone, Zoile Boniface, and of the Holy Innocents beating for Christ's sake, and other TNI and other suschii countless martyrs. Others like your natural pangs kicked the devil in the world. Pluck adulation of idols. A krovmi pomyvshee your land cleared. Ischistite me, my sins plenenago. And from the darkness of captivity me get rid of him by your passionate anguish and holy patience.
Saints vracheve miracle workers of the Lord God: Cosmas and Damian, Ermolaev, Panteleimon and Habakkuk, John. Hedgehog natural grace of the LORD: hast taken (received) the gift of healing. Thun Celite of not only humans but also cattle. Heal my body and soul from the evil of my misfortunes. Sveti Sveti Confessor TNI neotvergshiesya napasteh in God, but confess with boldness of our Lord Jesus Christ, his faith before many of the torturers and harmful. Deliver Me my evil of all.
St. Clement, St. Dionysius Agreopagite, Gregory chudotvorche, Silevestre, Ambrose, Jerome, Martin, Ierame, Cyprian, Basil, Nicholas, John Zlatauste and all ye other things innumerable saints. Holy martyrs ilk in natural infirmities of his patience, a strong won and hvalivyya mnogoglavatyi and mnogohobytnyya who imagine in you and in those in force have otsekshi your prayers, and otimite istergshe me out of it.
Holy pervomuchenitsa Thekla, Anastasia potvoroizbavnitse (deliverer) of potvor (demons, sorcery action), Euphemia, Eugene, Barbara, Iulyaniya, Fevronia, Agatha, Lucia, Calico, Felitsita, Valpurga, Marina, Margarita and the other all the holy martyrs.
The Holy Fathers of our ilk naturally won the prayers of your incessant pesnmi (chants) psalomskimi. And fasting vidimyya our enemies and nevidimyya. Oblicheshe nemoschnoyu the power of their finger Thou trample and not in your prayers Well vmenshe otimite my soul nemoschnuyu from them and uhranite (save) me the most.
St. Anthony, the first pustynniche Paul, Jeremiah, Euphemia, St. Sava sacred, Larionov, Father, and Theodosius, the God-given, Simeone stolpniche, Benedict blessed, Ephraim nice with all the saints and the Reverend fathers, and other ilk are innumerable.
St. John prophesy (Baptist) and the Baptist augmented propovedatelyu who art boly all Rozhen wives. Emuzhe a God-given grace to pray for all. Moths and for me, a wretched sinner and servant of God (his name), and observing me from all my evil.
Holy all heaven and besplotnyya force, the holy angels and archangels, pokonnitsi Lord and the power of domination, seraphim and cherubim. See zakrilite me your holy flaming wings everywhere. From sotonaila and velzaula, svergshagosya you to his pride. Yes Xia priblizhet not to me all the days of my life.
St. Mary the Virgin Lady of the ney is deigned to give birth to flesh in the man Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, for the sake of our redemption didst deliver me from trouble moeya. Humble and depressed by my sins, and many napastmi unevsha protect me. From my enemies shield and cover your hodotaystvom your to your son Jesus Christ our God. As He listened to every kind and trepeschyut visible and invisible. And stepping protivnyya and neprotivnyya, what more is the glory and praise to the Father and the Holy Spirit, always now and ever, forever and ever. Amen.