Prayer to Holy Trinity Church
All-holy Trinity, God and Sodetelyu around the world, be ready and sent my heart began to reason, and will end limits of good bogoduhnovennyya This book, which is shed Holy Spirit usty David otrygnu, ihzhe now hoschu glagolati al, unworthy, ignorant as their ignorance, limping, I pray Thee and hedgehog from you by asking: O Lord, manage my mind and my heart is affirmative, not about glagolanii usten stuzhati system, but the mind glagolemyh veselitisya and prigotovitisya to do good works, which is shed uchusya, and the verb: so good limits of enlightened on sudischi desnyya countries of the communicant will be elected with all thine. And now, O Lord, bless, yes, vozdohnuv from the heart, and tongue may sing, saying thus:
Come, let us worship God our King.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ our King and our God.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God.
Tazhe wait a little, till the whole utishatsya feelings. Then the CREATE foundation not soon, not laziness, with tenderness and a contrite heart. Rtsy these things: "Blessed is the man ..." quietly and intelligently, with attention, and not a greyhound, As wisely razumevati glagolemaya.