Prayer to St. Irinarkh, reclusive Rostov
Oh great ugodniche Christ dobroproizvolny stradalche, novoprosiyavy miracles, Our Father Irinarshe. Rossiystey land fertilizer, Rostov city of praise, this monastery velie decoration and approval!
Who would not be surprised your spontaneous and years of suffering patience: tridesyat more years in close and hladnoy hut currently signed Thou, cold, exhaustion and the desire of the slothful flesh for the sake of the kingdom of heaven suffered Thou, for these things the same and the expulsion from the monastery, the bewitchment of the enemy: thou hast endured without complaint. Vemy same, for they in the middle when he was begging his brother, Thou gentle lamb, again in the abode of thy back thou and tuyudzhe hut possessed didst adamant hard on the demonic hordes of invisible and visible enemies thy patience arming themselves.
When Thou same degree of allowance for the abode of God naidosha this very flattered ratnitsy, yet not afraid Thou smertnago rebuke, but utselomudrivsya word in its own system vozvratitisya hast Thou made. For the sake of all-good God, seeing your faith and suffering patience, the gift of healing and prozorlivstva you gifts: rage more healing dobrohozhdenie lame, the blind insight filed Thou, and another lot with faith, coming to you for the good even dodnes chudodeystvueshi.

We're not worthy, seeing such wonders and joys complying, we cry to thee thus: Rejoice, doblestvenny stradalche and demons winner, rejoice, soon our pomoschniche and warm to God molitvenniche. UBO and hear us sinners, praying to you and yours that seek shelter under: waking milostivnoe predstatelstvo yours for us to God and ishodataystvuy bogopriyatnymi thy prayers all useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies, save the holy abode of plain, every city, and the whole country and every Christian from all the slander of the enemy in sorrow the same, and our bolezneh give us a helping hand, so your petition and intercession, the grace and mercy of Christ is our God, get rid of and we are unworthy of departure from the Life of this world, shuiyago state, and so worthy to desnago with all the saints forever. Amen.