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Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

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Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

O holy Christ mucheniche Trifon fast pomoschniche and all resorts to see you and praying before the holy on you skoroposlushny predstatelyu! Hear now, and every hour prayer us unworthy of thy servants, venerated saints in the memory of your reverend at this house, and predstatelstvuy about us before the Lord in every place. Thou, ugodniche Christ, the great chudeseh shone forth, istochayay tselby affluent with faith and sheer human zastupayay in sorrow, Thou hast promised myself before the outcome of your lives from this tlennago prays for us in the Lord and ask Him thou this gift: If anyone in any any distress, sadness or mental illness or bodily prizyvati will thy holy name, that will be so relieved from any priloga zlago. And as Thou sometimes daughter Tsarev, in the city of Rome from the devil tormented, heal Thou, sitse and us from the cruel his wiles to keep all the days of our life, chiefly as a day poslednyago our breath predstatelstvuy about us. Budi us then mate and fast progonitel deceitful spirits and the kingdom of heaven leader. And you are now to where the predstoishi with faces of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, and so vouchsafe us partakers byti prisnosuschnago gladness and joy, but with you Rich country glorifies the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Paraclete for ever. Amen.
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