Prayer to the Virgin Mary before the icon Her Chernigov Elias
O holy Lady, my Lady Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, save and have mercy on me, a sinner of thy servant, from naprasnyya defamation of all tribulation and adversity and vnezapnyya death. Have mercy on me in the daytime chaseh, and morning and evening, and at any time to save me: worthwhile, sedyascha met, and in every way hodyascha and night sleeping chaseh furnish, protect and atonement. Protect me, O Lady Theotokos, from all my enemies, visible and invisible, and from every zlago hardships. In every place and at any time to wake mi, Mati Preblagaya, invincible wall and a strong Power leveling.
Oh, Blessed Lady, Lady Virgin Mother of God, unworthy, receive my prayer and save me from naprasnyya death, and grant before the end of repentance.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us. You're my keeper of all life has revealed Himself, Immaculate! You Deliver Me from the demons in the hour of death! You and the peace of death!
By Thy mercy resort, Virgin Theotokos, disdain not our prayers in sorrow, but deliver us from calamity, Edina Net and blessings. Most Holy Theotokos, save us. Amen.