Prayer to the Virgin Mary before the icon Her Konevskaya
O most gracious Lady Virgin Mother of God! Attend to my cry humble and contrite now predstoyaschago hear the voice of thy way. Vem more about Sodetelya my Mother, Thou predstatelstvo Christians blameless and an application to the Creator unfailing. Vem, and this, Thou iniquities my prevzydosha my head, and Thou burden heavier otyagotesha on me, and already Nesmith worthy behold the height of Heaven, below vozzreti to the throne of glory of thy Son and our God, but worthy of torment and vechnago conviction. For the sake of you (with the upcoming Rich country) pripadaet, I beg thee supplications to thee with tears I cry: hath made Him Materna thy prayer, but not otverzhet us sinners, of his sight, but Thou art a merciful, forgive us our trespasses freestyle and involuntary, in the way of salvation, and instructing us over by the power of reinforcing to the creation of the commandments of His saints. Yes, keep us from the temptations of the world, from the lust of sin, from the wiles of the devil and from the attacks of visible enemies. God bless the case of our hands, feeding in this monastery, and every city and country, an abundance of earthly goods, but made us the days are good and serene, but the world will protect His Church and Holy razstoyaschaya so connect to that for He is good God, slow to anger and plenteous, from All creatures with Father and the Holy Spirit glorified forever. Amen.