Prayer to the Virgin Mary before the icon of Chernigov Her Gethsemane
O holy Virgin! Mother of Christ our God, the Queen of Heaven and earth! Attend to mnogoboleznennomu yearning of our souls, look down from the heights of Thy holy to us, with faith and love those who worship the image of the Blessed Thy: behold, grehmi embeddedness and woes oburevaemi, looking at your image, for they come on Tee with us, we bring our prayers smirennyya not imams more inyya help nor inago predstatelstva and comfort tokmo Thee, O Mother of All Who Sorrow and encumbered. Pomozov us helpless quench our affliction, will guide us on the path of right, the lost, heal painful our hearts and save hopeless. Give us other time of our life in peace and repentance provoditi, podazhd Christian's death, and the Judgement of your Son revealed Himself to us merciful Predstatelnitsa, but always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, the good kind of Christian Advocate, all to please God. Amen.