Prayers before icons
Set of miracle-working icons of the century, the existence of Christianity was revealed to mankind. The power of their people and the Orthodox from the enemy hordes defending his land, and the rulers of their kingdom was crowned, and every person in any of his trouble could apply to such an icon. Legends about the healing power of icons set. And I had not just witnessed a miracle when, for example, the recovery yield only a touch of the icon. And during the fervent prayers of the icon and cry, and exude myrrh, and give warm, a person can feel.
Icon heal their ailments and give a clear reason. Well, if you have at home will be at least a few icons. They will protect your home better than any lock, any protection, and protect not only your belongings, but your soul, the happiness of your family.
Only keep the icon in the house is not enough. Before it necessarily need to pray. Namolennaya icon has tremendous power, believe me.
On several wonderful images I will now tell you.