Prayers from damage and the evil eye
What do I do that you have not jinxed and ispor tili? Always carry the prayer to Jesus Christ, which I gave Maria Semyonovna - it will weaken the impact and damage, and the evil eye. Here is the prayer:
Jesus Christ, Son of God, the One Deity Trisagion, Mrs. Bogoroditelnitse Virgin, the Holy See, the Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim of principles, you bow, you kayusya. Forgive me, O God, the great sins of thy servant (name). Forgive the sins of slaves and the unknown, let go, forgive, for they will confess to Thee, the One Lord and my God. Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mother of God, holy God arhist ratizhe Michael with all the heavenly powers! Deliver me from a cruel death, from death in vain, of a dashing man, a black eye from the blasphemous by word, from a remote road on the unkind heart. You bow, you burn candles, you will commit my spirit. Amen.
And yet - always keep on hand this book. First, it is in itself your guardian. You still have time to understand nothing, what is wrong with you, but it is always "on guard": drives away from you the evil cloud over you dissipate, the sun among them paves the way, his life-giving rays. Because, as Maria says Semyonovna the Sun - it's our father, Jesus Christ and His mother Mary Prisnovevo. They tell us his face appear, blesses us with His goodness, that's why the light pours over the world, and the birds singing their joyful voices, and the flowers and herbs towards the goodness of the flock. And people with a stone soul subsides, they thank the Lord and are doing everything according to His dispensation and edification. And if the clouds gather - so that their skins demons gray face of the Lord of us hide. And all the crying and everything, and a tooth for a tooth does not fall from the fear of fierce at all things. But that long. For the Lord His children will never forget, for every hour of love and pity and mercy and gives grace to His. "
But secondly, as Maria says Semyonovna "kazhin person must on every day and hour to take care of himself and to God to help take away troubles. You will find in this book are all to take care of themselves. Using the described therein traditional Old Believer ways identification of deterioration and the evil eye and remove them, you will be able to take adversity and of itself, and from others. Just try to fulfill all, exactly as stated, otherwise your actions will be futile. In addition, performing everything exactly, you can avoid dangers to accept someone else's misfortune.
When this section of the book was completely finished, I showed it to Maria Semyonovna, she endorsed and blessed to print. She said: "To all must be treated with understanding. It is necessary to distinguish between damage from other diseases and to treat it as a disfigurement, rather than as an ordinary disease.
Need to teach people the correct knowledge of how to get rid of trouble. You have to understand that we ourselves spoil bad thoughts and anticipation of any trouble. And the eye itself often themselves ".-" How is that possible? "- Did not understand me. "Yes and maybe. You, for example, bought herself new clothes and think: "That's all obzaviduyutsya. As I had not jinxed. " And such thoughts to myself, "doing". Understood? "-" Maria Semyonovna, so what have we got then? It turns out - that would be bad for us no matter what happens, it is a product of our own negative thoughts? "-" Interest at 80, and even more - she said .- I often ask people who come to me for advice, as they currently this situation did and why. Some even resent sulk at me, say it's not for the fact they came to me. Beyond that, my friends, for thereby. A lot of people invent problems for yourself. And fashionable in these times things all figured out: the evil eye, the damage. If the person such as a loafer, it is not the evil eye and spoilage that he had no money, and the line pattern. Where they have it will take something? Or if a girl like the devil from holy water from the men and boys running around, what have the crown of celibacy? From her husband shall be taken, if it does everything that it was not? And those options - weight. They can understand, I always help a person in itself the cause of their misfortune to find. Only it's absolutely not something that really is the evil eye and spoilage. Blight and the evil eye - otherwise. This is where the problem is not about you, but outside you are surrounded by a dense ring. And anything with them do not, do not get out of the ring. So these things need to distinguish - when you really became a victim of someone's influence and when you myself 'to do': his laziness, stupidity, rudeness - so you never know what else ".-" But how to distinguish something, somewhere you're patient - a psychologist or a sorcerer, a healer? "-" The first thing you have to be honest with you. Rate your life, try to understand, when it ceased to go well, what the cause, what the starting point for your problems. Perhaps, in them and there is nothing supernatural, and explains them simply. Respectively, and they can be solved simply, without any special measures. But if not ... "- Maria Semyonovna - I interrupted, - and what happens if you start to remove the evil eye, or damage, but in fact no such thing happened? "Arrivals" you for it? "-" So, you'll be a fool - said she cut off .- There are people who, instead of down to business and to cope with their problems, everyone is looking for the guilty. I told you before is not a good argument. So people need to ease mistrust and live peacefully. But be vigilant in doing so. To avoid becoming a target for other people's black thoughts and exercises. In general, we did the right thing, that started a such a book. It is useful to many and will help you understand what to them is really Origin of walks.