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Prayers on the strength of demons

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Prayers on the strength of demons

1.Tebe, my God and Creator, the Holy Trinity, glorified the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, worship, and entrusting my body and soul, and I pray: Thou bless me, You have mercy on me, and from every mirskago, diavolskago and telesnago evil deliver. And grant that in a world without sin preyti this day, in thy glory and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

2.In the hands of Thy prevelikago mercy, O my God, entrusting the soul and my body, feelings and words of my tips and thoughts of my business and my whole body and my soul motion. Log in and outcome of my faith and my residence, and for the demise of my life, day and hour of my breath, my Repose, repose of the soul and my body. And thou, O Premiloserde God, the sins of the world nepreodolevaemaya goodness and gentleness, Lord, less, than all men greshneyshago, receive in the hands of the protect and deliver thy of all evil, cleanse the multitude of my transgressions, podazhd correct the evil and accursed, and from my Life of upcoming fall fierce always fascinated me, so no chemzhe when provoked Thy kindness, imzhe covered sickness from my demons, and evil passions of men. Enemy of the visible and invisible, rebuke, guided me through the rescued, bringing to thee, my refuge and desires of my edge. Grant me the demise of Christian, blameless, peaceful, from the air keep the evil spirits, at the Last Court of thy merciful unto thy servant, and Proverbs wake me at the right hand with thy blessing let the sheep, but with Thee, my Creator, praise for ever. Amen.
3. Hail to thee, King, God Almighty, Who in thy divine and fishing for mankind, vouchsafed me art Thou, O sinner and unworthy, from sleep to get up and poluchiti entrance of thy holy house: Accept, O Lord, and the voice of my prayer, as He of the saints and wise thy strength, and Mercifully a pure heart and humble spirit prinositisya praise Thee from the evil usten mine, Thou and even al associate of the Academy will be the wise virgins, with a light candles of my soul, and praise Thee in the Father and the Spirit of God slavimago Word. Amen.
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