Predicting the future with the help of birds
Predicting the future of flight and behavior of birds was one of the ways to communicate with the gods living in heaven, and receive their messages. This kind of prediction of the future practiced by many peoples living in different parts of the globe. Predicting the future were made on the basis of birdsong, the direction of their flight and other aspects of their behavior. In ancient Rome, augurs (who were priests) knew how to interpret prophecy, which was considered the message of the god Jupiter. In Rome, the prediction of the future by the flight of birds was conducted in a certain way labeled space. This open space is defined by the augurs, and the land shall place a special tag.
Predicting the future of the flight of birds
You can try to predict the future and read the messages of the gods by the flight of birds, watching or for a whole flock of birds, or for one bird. Formulate a question to which you are interested and the solution of which requires you to certain activities, and bird watching. I'll tell you how you can use the prediction system for the flight of birds, which augurs used, adapting it to modern conditions. If you're in a place where there are different birds, you can interpret their behavior in accordance with ancient beliefs and myths. If you do not hurry, then sit back and wait until next to you turns out to be some kind of bird. If you bring along food for birds, you can speed this process. So ...
Light or dark?
In places where the usual a lot of different birds, light or bright-colored birds symbolize the immediate aggressive action and dark indicate the need to cancel any action. If your question requires a positive or negative answer, motion or light, brightly colored birds will mean that the answer is positive, and inaction - to point out that the answer is negative. Sometimes the birds of one species may be different, but the light and dark, like the pigeons, for example. Then you can count on the fact that light doves appear first, make your prediction was positive.
Flight direction
Birds flying left and right of you are predicting a favorable outcome of any enterprise, as well as the fact that you can be confident no matter what actions you take. Birds, flying to your left or right to indicate the delay, the need to consult or wait for some time. Birds that fly toward the questioner, indicate that over the next few days should be cautious and think your plan is nothing if not taking. Flight altitude
The higher the flying birds, which you have addressed your question, the more favorable it is an omen. If a bird flies straight up, then your company will be fully implemented as soon as possible and without a lot of focus on your part. If the bird will fly horizontally, and then falls to the ground or even stop flying, fall to the ground, then you too early to think about implementing his plan, and you need time to better prepare for it, that at the initial stage of its implementation does not encounter insurmountable obstacles.
Changing the direction of flight
If a bird suddenly changes the direction of flight, then you have a sudden something changed. Perhaps the closest person to you to change its intentions, or will be in a different way to relate to you, or show itself as something else entirely unexpected for you to read. Sometimes this can indicate that you have doubts and you need time to recheck all.
Soaring birds directly overhead
If the bird will soar right over your head, you should be afraid of criticism from the outside, malevolent remarks behind your back, ugly gossip or the emergence of new friends who will not very honest with you.
Birds singing
If a bird sings its song, or publishes any cries when soars into the air, it means that you can safely begin implementing your plan. The bird, which gave a cry, or begins to keep his own warble when to stop flying and fall to the ground (or tree branch, for example), warns you about the need for caution. If the dark bird will scream at a time when she turns on you, then, unless it is next to his nest, you'll probably have to face confrontation.
Interpretation of birdsong
Dawn - this is the perfect time to listen to the birds singing. Go to the place where the singing of birds can be heard more clearly, where singing blackbirds or pigeons. Ask them your questions and close your eyes. Suppose the singing birds, the answer myself there somewhere in the depths of your consciousness.
Predicting the future with answers such as yes-no and elective method
The third method of predicting the future is traditionally assumed. India has so far taken to interpret omens, guided by the behavior of birds such as parrots, which can either choose the answer of "yes-no" or choose individual letters of the alphabet to indicate the name of future husband or lover. Forecasters on the streets of India, who made his business such predictive lottery, taught the birds to pull out the right card, resulting in a prediction is no longer spontaneous. You can try to use this method if you have a bird house, or try to do this somewhere in nature.
"Yes-no-go-stop" - a way to predict the future
This method of predicting the future is used in cases where important to you is the time factor, and when the answer you need immediately. You can also resort to this method, if you must choose one person or another. If you want to resort to the prediction of the future for the flight of birds in their habitat, then you need to go to the place early in the morning when the birds show the highest activity. Before proceeding to the ritual of prediction, mentally inspect the area and mentally divide it into positive and negative sectors.
Then evenly sprinkle the grain in both sectors, and then observe where the first rush to the birds - in the sector, which implies a positive answer, or vice versa. Then pay attention to which of the two you mentioned sectors grain will disappear faster, because it tells you how to believe feeding birds with grain at the place where you pre-arrange pieces of paper with a pre-written on them the answers or letters. Such a method of predicting the future was used by Roman legionaries during the military actions and campaigns in which they usually took with them the sacred birds, the situation will develop in the more distant future.
Thus, a positive response would be if the birds, especially rush to pick up grain in the "positive" sector, as if in a "positive" sector of the grain will be eaten quickly, then the whole entire project will have no lasting effect. I met with people who interpret the space where the birds quickly ate the grain as a lower degree of focus for the implementation of a project. That is why there is always the final interpretation of the predictions depends largely on your own, because only you can know what difficulties may be related to the implementation of your plan.
If the house you have a bird, then you have to wait since it was feeding. In this case, it would be better if you feed the your pet some other, different from ordinary food. It would be better if you take several kinds of goodies and place them on pieces of paper on which is written in a possible answer to your question. Then look to which of the papers feed will disappear quickly. If you have any chicken or turkey, then with them, you too can carry out such experiments.
For variety you can also give their students a treat on the letters of the alphabet, to watch how your pet will move from one character to another. This will give you the opportunity to make more detailed predictions. Such a method, for example, can help you determine a person's initials, on which depends your future. Such a person could be your business partner, or your spouse or lover. Never try to teach your bird to choose for you you need the letter because it would interfere with the spontaneity of the prediction.
Timeframe performance predictions can be determined by means of 12 cards with numbers written on them. Each card can mean a month of the year. One of them you can mark it as January, and another to write the name of the current month. Ask your bird happens when an important event for you, and then look at what the card of grain will disappear quickly. If the second card of grain will disappear, too, it could, for example, mean time of completion of the project. Should take into account only the first two cards, otherwise you'll just wait for the bird to finish their meal. In addition, if your bird react unfavorably to the stranger who comes into your home, then you should not throw it from the accounts and also to treat with due care for this sign. In fact, birds can be a kind of intuition.