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Preparation of autistic children to learn in school

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Preparation of autistic children to learn in school

The issue of school readiness for children with early infantile autism and other mental and social development rose in 1992. Children two years engaged individually, have reached school age, it was necessary to decide on their learning. Prior to that, such children are often wrongly admitted "unteachable", or, at best, taught individually, that did not allow them to adapt socially.

Starting to prepare for school children with impaired communication, the teacher adjusts the learning process for them, since on the one hand, interests, capacities and on the other hand - the difficulty for these children. To overcome these difficulties must be primarily to help children learn the school situation, the main characteristics of which are structured environment and school paraphernalia. The structure of the school day should be stable, which makes the situation predictable, helps children to understand and fulfill the requirements. Very important issue of technical facilities to which autistic children are accustomed to work, many calls they have fears. In addition, these children have such a feature that for them every activity associated with the finding in a certain area. Therefore, the question of organizing the space should be carefully considered.

How many adults should deal with children in the group? Ideal - when a group of 06/10 children and works no more than three adults. If the adults in the group a lot, children behave more restless, anxious. Each teacher is responsible for some kind of activity. But this does not mean that he, for example, is only concerned with painting, or just teach children to consider, or only deals with them in singing. All teachers work together as a team, and organize their lives in a group during the school day. By the end of the year, children are so independent that the organization of training and maintaining discipline in the group already manages a teacher, and the presence of others is optional. Educators who work in a group, should be familiar with the problems of autistic children in general and to see and understand the problems of each child's group to help children cope with them.

All the work in the preparatory group, we divide into several stages. Each stage has its challenges. The first step is the hardest and most important. The main thing in this period - to help children adjust to new living situation, to establish contact with adults and with each other. At this stage they are introduced to new concepts: school, teacher, class, party, foam board. All Tough. Establishing contact in any activities with your child - this is the way in which the teacher adapts to the child, then to the one adapted to us and began to interact with us. In this period must be a lot of tact and patience teaching. This stage should not be limited by time. The main thing now - not in a hurry. The most important thing at this time - to understand the child's problems, his fears, the reasons for changes in behavior, then to the next phase, to help him cope with these problems. The task of the teacher at this stage - smooth failure of the child, help him feel confident.

Preparation of autistic children to learn in school is to arouse children's interest in learning. In the early work is important to learn about hobbies of every child, perhaps someone is "overvalued" interests (bulbs, wires, geography, fauna, cans of juice, beer, etc.). Words, cards, pictures, jobs for independent work must be selected on the basis of those interests. The effectiveness of the lesson, its duration depends on how the teacher was in the beginning of the lesson children's attention to what is happening.

Each lesson consists of three parts.
Part 1 - to attract attention. Typically, the lesson begins with the fact that a teacher or a child standing in the doorway of the class and plays the flute. Kids are going to class and sit at their desks. The lesson starts with exercises for the hands or the exercise of poems for your fingers. Actions with their hands tend to stimulate the activity of any child's attention.

Part 2 - training. At this time the teacher explains to children the new material, children with complete tasks, answer questions of the teacher, go to the board.

The third part - the independent work of children. Typically, this task on a sheet, and later in a notebook.

First, the first part takes up almost half the time of the lesson, and teaching part - very small. Gradually, the share of learning and independent work of children increases, so does the total lesson time. If the first stage of the lesson lasts 5 minutes, then at the end of the fourth stage, it lasts like in school, 30-35 minutes. At the first stage of the job is always associated with children's interests. First, it is a very simple task: to finish the tail mouse, car wheels, etc. Gradually the tasks become more complicated: it is necessary to shade the letters, objects, find the letter in the word and circle it in a circle, to connect words and pictures, etc. In the third stage children begin to write in notebooks, set yourself becoming more and more difficult, but never exceed the capacity of the child.

Difficulties when working with autistic children

One of the main difficulties in the early stages of a shortage of attention in virtually all children - they are difficult to concentrate on the job longer than a few seconds, the time to switch attention from one job to another. These difficulties are reduced when the child becomes accustomed to the structure of the lesson and the school day. Time to focus child gradually increases and gives the teacher an opportunity to start the learning process, gradually expanding and complicating it. The first lesson that we conducted, it was possible to focus the attention of children three to five minutes while we spent the day just one lesson, and one variable, very large. And by the end of the second phase has already been four lessons.

The more familiar a teacher uses the action, driving lesson, the more confident children feel. And it allows you to keep them longer active attention. Accustomed to the procedures prescribed in the preparatory group, helps school children attribute to which we assign a class, call, desk, board, backpack, homework, assessment. Every child has a permanent place in the classroom, in the knapsack he should always be the same items needed in the classroom (notebook, album, pencil, etc.) for each completed assignment, he always gets the estimate - it could be "five" the teacher wrote in a notebook, the other children more suited pretty picture, a label may be other ways to evaluate the performance of the child.

The second important point to keep the active attention of children is a speech teacher. Explanation must be terse, clear, contains brief instructions for action: "Get it, positive, open ...», as verbosity" takes "of children: they cease to understand what is happening," go into yourself. " Each instruction of a teacher must be matched visually. Tasks and games can be such that children already know and love. Using, for example, playing "postman", a teacher can solve educational problems (can be studied by a serial, but you can read the words, etc.). But the information "will be playing in the postman" is of interest and positive emotions, and thus holds the attention of children. Teacher during the lesson can change the voice volume: from very loud to very quiet and vice versa. It also helps to attract children's attention.

No need to rush forward. Tasks should be interesting for children, but not varied. It is better to repeat them, changing colors, layout drawings. It is important to feel and to keep under review all the children of the group. And even if children are able to operate for 20-25 minutes, and the teacher feels that at present it is not possible (children were tired, changed behavior), need to give a signal and end a lesson - do not be afraid if he lasted just 3 minutes . Then the children do not feel a failure, they did not rise to negative experiences in connection with educational activities.

There are children who are coping with the job quickly, while others need more time. It must always be borne in mind that during the lesson the child may not remain idle. In this case should always be cooked game (for example, the designer, mosaic, sticks). Since each child has its own desk with hinged lid, the teacher puts a lid that may interest the child. After finishing the task, the child can get the game and play, but to get up from their seats he is not allowed until the end of the lesson.

Already in the first phase there is a clear timetable, which remains unchanged at later stages. Children attend classes on certain days and hours, and daily routine of the week and if possible should not be changed. In conjunction with academic work much attention is paid to play therapy. After the game can be solved very many problems of children. Most of the games with the children is carried out individually, but by the end of the school year, children can already join in the game for two or three people.
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