Preparing for the holidays without the stress
Pre-holiday days you spend in cleaning, cooking and running around the shops. Do not know what to grab, no matter what is not enough time experiencing that do not have time to make the target. It should not be! This year, plan everything in advance and you will see that the preparations for the holidays can be enjoyable.
Make a good plan
Like every year, you would like to get it perfect: the apartment was shining clean, and the table bend beneath the weight of delicious dishes. But consider what price it all gets. After all, you have many responsibilities, you work, do the house. Maybe it makes no sense so tense? After the holidays, first of all, I want to be with friends and relax. Let this year, you send exactly this idea.
Before you grab in a panic over everything, take a few minutes of an action plan. On a sheet of paper write what you want to do before the holidays. Best of all the points: washing curtains, cleaning the closet in the hallway, etc.
Most likely, you'll get a list of the ideal hostess, from which the free disposal of the three-week vacation. Think if you really need to do so all of the compiled list? Take courageous decision to black out and that will not affect the festive atmosphere (eg, cleaning a closet). Next step: cross off what you have done in recent months (to clean up the attic, cleaned ingrained stains on kitchen cabinets, etc.). Well, how? Now the list looks real.
Take a calendar and just plan your business for the next few days. Think about what you can do in the evening when you return from work, and what will have to spend a few hours. Realistically assess their strength. Do not plan a lot of things for one day. Better then to do something over the plan, if the will power than to see the outstanding items on the list - it is so unnerving.
All that you have done, cross out. You will feel the satisfaction when you see that work is progressing. Try as little as possible cases left to the last moment.
In the note that you must do for ourselves, with what you can to help relatives. Even if you are sure will make themselves better still ask the family for help.
Remember: by working together can get a lot of fun. In addition, all family members, especially the smallest ones, will be glad to help you prepare a feast.
Gather the family council
When you have everything planned and thought out, tell their family considerations. Put it all together and with a calendar in hand, arrange, who, what and when will. Clearly your plan a sequence of joint actions.
If you do not, do not be surprised then that everything will fall on your head. Surely the last few years you coped with all themselves and taught home just does not bother you. Instead of a reproachful look at them or making allusions to speak frankly. Explain in detail how exactly should be done given your job. And if the husband and children do what you asked them, appreciate it and praise them. At check store Christmas decorations. Maybe something you need to buy or make your own? Remember that children plenty of free time and little instruction, they can do after school.
Plan a menu
Decide how much you are willing to contribute to the festive spending. Count the number of guests, who are you going to invite. Make a list and think for how much each of them around can eat (for example, five dumplings and two pieces of fish). To be sure, cook for two to three servings more.
Of course, this does not mean that guests should give a clearly defined amount of food. Just with the approximate calculation you can be sure not to cook ten times more than you need.
Some dishes can be shared with relatives. If, for example, you prepare delicious herring under a fur coat, and his brother's wife bakes a loaf with poppy seeds, agree that each of you will cook a little more of their specialties, and you change it. If the planned eating dinner together, let everyone bring something.
To not live in the kitchen for several days, some are more labor-intensive dishes (eg, jelly cook in advance).
Consider buying
The idea that we should go shopping, can prevent sleep. Here, the plan should be very accurate, gifts for family and wrapping paper you can buy in advance. Just hide them better!
Grocery purchases divide into those that can be done in advance, and those who have to leave at the last moment, for example vegetables and fruits.
Is best two or three weeks before the holidays to travel the whole family in the supermarket or wholesale store and buy canned food, drinks and non-perishable foods. A day or two before New Year buy fish and meat, vegetables, fruit, everything that has a short shelf life. A public holiday will buy roofing bread and cake, what children can do.
The hour X
If you will fulfill the plan in full, on a holiday will be very few cases. Set the table, fill salad and bring Marafet. Two hours before guests arrive take a shower to relieve fatigue. And then you will only ... enjoy the holiday!