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Prevention of conflict situations

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Prevention of conflict situations

In all conflict situations, before taking drastic measures to try to understand the causes of the excited state of the interlocutor and to try to calm him down. Only then can be taken for clearing the stalled situation by asking clarifying questions as possible, more polite and tactful form of, for example: "I forgive my carelessness, but I'm not quite grasped your point of view. Can you point to clarify in its more popular form? "So, prevention of conflict situations .

The most effective means should recognize the removal of business communication and judgments that could jeopardize the honor and dignity of the interlocutor. Such judgments and estimates are extremely undesirable, since they often lead to conflicts. Very undesirable and patronizing judgments and estimates made with a sense of ill-concealed superiority or contempt. Another most effective means of preventing conflicts is to avoid a dispute with business communication, as a man during an argument is rarely able to maintain composure and dignity. Dispute, we begin to get excited and find themselves, make insulting remarks and admit annoying rudeness.

 In this connection I would like to once again recall the words of Dale Carnegie, a fierce opponent of any dispute, which argues convincingly that "nine times out of ten ends the dispute the fact that each of its members even more than previously stated in its absolute rightness ..." In a dispute can not win the top. It is impossible, because if you lose the dispute, then you have lost, and if won, then lost too ... You can be absolutely right, proving your point of view, but all your attempts to convince the interlocutor will probably be as futile as if you were wrong. A good tool for preventing conflicts is the ability to listen to the interlocutor, as it is the criterion of communicability. After all, if the person has the opportunity to present their views to you, then it will be located on the more flexible and trusting relationship.

It is considered that in establishing the trust Contact a clear emphasis on the speaker. But the analysis of communication reveals that the listener is not the last figure. Psychological studies have revealed that the pain is not 10% of people are able to listen to the interlocutor. Typical errors that are inherent in not knowing how to listen to is the lack of focus on the substance of the conversation, the subjective perception of certain facts and arguments, anger about what was said. To avoid this need internally tune in hearing the interlocutor, to muffle his emotions to objectively evaluate the information received and made on the basis of the conclusions.
There is an active and passive listening. Passive listening is characterized by non-interference in the conversation (except for such phrases as "It's very interesting," "I understand you," etc.). Passive listening as a precautionary measure antikonfliktnaya especially effective in cases where the interviewee starts to actively show their feelings and seek to express their point of view, as before, he had such an opportunity. By actively listening to psychologists include: "Identification" or "clarification" of words speaking interlocutor: ("What does that mean," Do you want to say that ... "" Then explain this in more detail "), paraphrasing (" Do you think that ... "" I understand you, it follows that ... "" You say that ... "" If I'm not mistaken, that you want to say that ... "), summarizing (" So ... " "If you take stock of what you have said, then ..." "I understand that your main idea is that ...").

Significantly reduces the likelihood of conflict a legitimate way of talking. Phrases such as "I beg your pardon," I would be very grateful, "" Forgive me for harassment, "" If you do not complicate it, "" Do not think for molestation, "and so, like engine oil, lubricate gears" steadily flowing business conversation, and, moreover, are a sign of good parenting. Never lose sight of the fact that "the addition of" civility does not diminish the definiteness of the request, but also prevents the appearance of a buddy of internal differences, promotes removal of negative emotions.
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