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Print loneliness

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Print loneliness

Seal of loneliness awarded to both men and women, but most of all - men. Of such talk: unlucky, like everything in them: and exterior, mind and money is, and the restriction of no. It happens that even at the wedding, everything suddenly went wrong. If this happens repeatedly, you can be sure: it supplied print alone. Blight, this is not dangerous or life-or health; happens to her live to a ripe old age. Bedevil, as a rule, rejected former lovers. "Not me, it means that anyone" - they reason. But the damage that slightly, it can be removed with the help of the casting. It is, incidentally, will show whether there is corruption. Do you remember how to do the casting? Take a plate, hold it over your head and pour the wax from the candles there. Look, what form will the wax. If it even remotely resembles a "1", the damage is already there is no doubt - it is. After the casting do not forget to burn the wax in the fire and read the plot:

In an ode to shed, fire myatetsya, wax rastoplyaetsya, the trouble is poured. Gori, wax, shine my trouble, burn my loneliness. To hell get out, anyone lacking. Lord, forgive me, a sinner, as I forgive their enemies and villains. Forgive my trespasses as I let go of them. Burn someone else's sin, burn his misfortune. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the wax is burned up, you need to go to church to light a candle holy Adrian and Natalia and read this prayer:

About Sacred Dyad, the holy martyr of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, happy supruzi and Doble sufferers! Hear us praying to you with tears, and nizposlite upon us all blagopotrebnaya souls and bodies to ours, and pray to Christ God to have mercy on us and deal with us in His mercy, let us not perish in our greseh. She, the holy martyrs! Take the voice of our prayers, and deliver your prayers Ny from smooth, gubitelstva, coward, flood, fire, hail, the sword, the invasion of foreigners and mezhdousobnyya battle, vnezapnyya from death and from all the troubles, sorrows and illnesses, but ever, your prayers, and strengthened by predstatelstvom , glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. He is due all glory, honor and worship, with His Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Not every church is the icon of Adrian and Natalia. In this case, you can put a candle before an icon of Jesus Christ, saying to himself: "The Saints Adrian and Natalia, pray to God for me." If you are a wealthy, then the book for their money icon of Saints Adrian and Natalia and donate it to church. These holy patronize the family and marriage, and be sure to help you find your soul mate.

Conspiracy to get rid of loneliness

Take the left hand as dry peas, as you complete years. Pour peas into a bowl and blow upon it:

By ak Adam in paradise was one, but not the only one left, so would I, servant of God (name), a couple of his find, but his age to live out in love and harmony. Amen.

Then immediately begin to keep a strict fast (strict fast - it's twelve days of bread, water, vegetables and meat without oil). On the thirteenth day is at the intersection of four roads nagovorenny peas. Throws on each road is equal to the number of dots, so inclined. What will you need to eat right and crossed himself three times.
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