Problem skin care
If you have dark spots, freckles or acne, try every day to wipe face and neck with fresh birch juice. For skin prone to pigmentation and freckles, may be advised and a mask of fresh cucumber. Cucumber rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with one tablespoon of any nutritious cream. Bears in the face for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water. The mask has a slight bleaching, refreshing. At home whitening dark spots in the morning and evening skin can be wiped clean three-percent hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, juice, snowball, parsley juice or vinegar. You can also prepare a mixture of the juice of one lemon with the addition of a whipped egg white or a mixture of: a tablespoon of vinegar mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice. These mixtures should be wiped daily face.
You can also do whitening mask: 2 tablespoons sour milk, a teaspoon of grated horseradish and a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal mix and apply on face for 30 minutes. Make sure that the mask was not hit in the eye. Can be ordered at the pharmacy whitening cream, consisting of salicylic acid - 2,0 g, ascorbic acid - 2,0 g, koldkrema - 2,5 g This cream is used to noch.Esli your skin is prone to blackheads and pimples, then you'll first need to think about their diet: Delete from the menu spicy, sweet and fatty foods, include polivitaminy.Krome also helpful to apply compresses of broth mixture of bark and buds birch, chamomile and calendula flowers, juniper berries, taken in equal amounts. Decoction is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes. In the warm solution soak a linen cloth or gauze, folded in four layers, making the pre-slit for the eyes and nostrils. Put the fabric face. As the cooled broth dampen the cloth, lightly press and once again puts on his face. Repeat for 20 minutes.
Caring for problem skin and acne affected prischami
Protein-camphor mask
Whip the white of one egg, add 10-15 drops of camphor spirit and juice of one lemon slice. After drying, the protein mask film is formed, which should wash off with water at room temperature.
Mask of calendula
Tablespoon of tincture of calendula dissolve in a glass of water. A thin layer of cotton wool dampen face. Then gently press the cotton wool and put on the face, leaving holes for the eyes, mouth and nostrils. After 15-20 minutes, remove the cotton wool and not washing up, just apply the cream. If you get itchy skin, make a tincture of flax seed, calendula, chamomile, peppermint or psyllium. One tablespoon of any of these herbs pour 0.5 cups hot water, add the potato flour and stir until thick cream. Put a mask on for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm, then cold water.
When peeling useful mask oatmeal and flax seed. For dry and flaky skin is recommended 1-2 times a week, the mask of the following composition: 1 egg yolk, one tablespoon of mayonnaise and water. Apply to thoroughly oiled skin. Any skin, not even a problem, has a beneficial effect rainwater. It has no chlorine, calcium and other salts to adversely affect the skin. During a rain collect water, filter the it and wipe the face or Wash it. From rain water can make compresses. They should do a few days. Before applying a compress to face and neck should be thoroughly cleaned.
Cloth made of soft fabric, folded in half, well saturated with rainwater and put on the face and neck, after 5-10 minutes, remove and re-moistened. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times. In this case, the pores dilate, fill with moisture, the skin becomes clear and more elastic. More on damp skin, gently tapping with your fingertips, nourishing cream is applied for 3-5 minutes. After 20 minutes, remove the remnants of the cream with a tissue.
Neck and décolleté
Neck and décolletage attracts eyes and captivate. However, our Women sometimes forget that the head is crowned with a beautiful neck, the neck turns the head, and so too should be fine. The neck was beautiful to care for her at a young age. Neck skin is very sensitive, subcutaneous adipose tissue is almost completely absent neck muscle tone is low, so they start to wilt earlier than other muscles, the wrinkles on the neck are formed quickly. It is therefore important to monitor the situation of head and neck during sleep and wakefulness. Sleeping on a high pillow, reading, lying down, sedentary work, in which the head is down, lead to premature wrinkles around the neck.
Every night, pay little attention to his neck. In the evening, wipe it with a cosmetic milk or cream with liquid and grease with vegetable oil or a nourishing cream. Very useful to make a warm compress. To do this, take a linen or terry cloth, soak it in hot water (preferably with a tincture of herbs), and press for a few seconds to wrap the neck. After this, apply a nourishing cream light massage movements. This massage neck upward stroke. Middle of the neck is not massage, as this can cause irritation of the thyroid gland. At the same time you can do prevent the appearance of double chin.
To do this, tilt your head back, stuck out his lower jaw forward and upward so that the lower lip covered the top. Very slowly turn your head left and then return to starting position and straighten your head. Exercise again, but this time turn your head to the right. Repeat 2-3 times. Do not forget to stroke his neck upward. Effective means of neck skin care are masks.
Fruit mask
This mask is made from a variety of fruits - oranges, tangerines, bananas, strawberries, apricots, peaches, gooseberries, quince, melon, etc. Make a slurry, and adding a teaspoon of honey and one egg yolk, stir and put on the neck for 15-20 minutes.
Curd Mask
Mix 2 tablespoons of fat cottage cheese with mandarin orange juice or half an orange, add a teaspoon of olive oil, put on his neck for 20 minutes.
Protein-lemon mask
Mix white of one egg, a teaspoon of corn oil, juice of half a lemon. Mush put on the neck for 20 minutes.
Potato mask
Mashed potatoes mixed with one tablespoon of vegetable oil or beaten egg, put hot on his neck, put a towel. Hold 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
If the skin was flabby, wrinkled, this will help compress: Peel and mash hot boiled in their skins "potatoes, add a teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of glycerol; Put mashed potatoes on a napkin, attach it to the neck, put a piece of dense matter and secure the bandage . After 15-20 minutes, remove the poultice, wash your neck with warm water, wipe the infusion of chamomile, lime blossom, or Hypericum, lubricate the skin nourishing cream, after 30-40 minutes, blot with paper towel residue.
When dry, flabby skin of the neck efficient oil packs: a folded napkin a few times, pro-nourishing olive or corn oil, put on his neck, put waxed paper and a layer of cotton, secure with a bandage and leave for 15-20 minutes. After that, pat with paper towel residual oil. Do not forget about the daily morning skin care neck. When applying a day cream to the face, do not leave without attention to the neck. If you use decorative cosmetics, the nourishing and foundation necessary to impose a thin layer, wait until they penetrate the skin, and only wear a blouse or dress.