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Problems of modern marriage

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Problems of modern marriage

Psychologists, counselors marriage, continue to insist that all the marital relationship must be happy, forgetting that the way to harmony is through the underworld. Well-being and happiness in the everyday sense of the word - it's not luck-saving, it's just good, good. The purpose of this marriage - salvation, and therefore it has ups and downs, suffering and joy. Any spouse some time after the wedding reveals some pathological aspects of the psyche of his partner, which are immutable and have painful consequences for them both. That marriage is not ruined, someone has to give, and generally inferior to one who less prone to psychopathy. If one spouse cools, others do not have anything else, as with most ardor to show their love, even if the partner responds with a very weak and inadequate. Therefore all those who advise spouses to take care of yourself, do not tolerate any manifestations of his half, etc., are lying. Consider other problems of modern marriage , which is primarily Institute of happiness, not good.

Marriage generally operates only when permitted that, in ordinary life is not welcomed. Like any other way to happiness, the way marriage is full of hardship. Writer, creating an outstanding product, does not think of domestic happiness, and about his creative calling. And spouses, seeking to rescue, can rarely lead a smooth, harmonious life, to which psychologists call them. Most influential image of a "happy marriage" is very dangerous. For those who can go the way of happiness in marriage, the institution promises not only suffering, but also a profound existential satisfaction. Dante would not get to heaven if it tried to avoid hell. Absolutely harmonious marriage barely exists.
"Men" and "feminine" are not in harmony

To better understand the phenomenon of modern marriage, it is necessary to take into account several considerations concerning the relationship between man and woman, to understand that, in fact, represent a man and a woman, and that determines the daily behavior of the individual. We discuss in detail only on those aspects of the problems that are of direct relevance to the topic of this study. Animal behavior is largely determined by innate behavioral patterns, which often provoke or cause the external stimuli. Typically, they are adequate to a particular situation. Due to the existence of such stereotypes is supported by life form and the individual animal.

People differ from animals, but also in the psyche of the individual hidden congenital model and reaction conduct - archetypes that are different from behavioral animal lack of detail, finesse and complexity. In addition, figuratively speaking, archetypes affect, usually behind the scenes at the individual's behavior and, despite their large number, are often left unclaimed. In other words, not all archetypes are manifested in a person's lifetime, although he keeps his mind set of behavioral patterns that are unlikely to play at least a minimal role in his life endemic. In addition, the person is able to assess the patterns of behavior, think about them or even aware of them. This happens mostly symbolic, imaginative way, rather than through logical thinking.

Despite the fact that all this is well known, the question of "male" and "female" confusion reigns. Obviously, there is not only female but also male archetypes, and in each case the number of variants of these archetypes can hardly reaches the hundreds. Anyway, they are much more than is commonly assumed. But not all archetypes are manifested simultaneously in human life. Even for one or another historical era characterized by the dominance of the male and female archetypes.

Archetype of Hera, wife of the divine of Zeus, - a symbol of a jealous wife, a brutal towards rivals. There is also the archetype of Hetero, independent woman who can deliver male sexual pleasure and support a witty or even scientific discourse. That in contemporary society is considered, say, Shirley MacLaine, intelligent, independent, but it is quite sympathetic to men lady.

Another female archetype represents Aphrodite, the goddess of pure sexual pleasure, is the archetype of a mistress, who express a child's independent Rekel Welch and Brigitte Bardot. Athena symbolizes the archetype of the wise-minded woman, an independent, non-sexual, but willing to help men. Such a role often performed by spouses of American presidents.

Some widows and divorced women also often have features of a particular archetype. They are independent, and, after the man leaves them, often gives the impression that these women have achieved some victories and to thank God for his achievement. Attitude to the deceased husband, too often turns out to be similar with respect to the winner of the loser.

In general, women believe that the ratio of men to be naturally devoid of neurotic traits and pathology. However, if a man or a child does not rank first in the list of attachments women, it's not necessarily talking about neurosis. In order to activate the archetypes that require certain conditions, trends that are generally consistent with the spirit of time. In some epochs archetype of an artist or a warrior, had no special significance. Dominant female stereotype of behavior is the archetype of the mother, clearly expressed at all times. Children need their mothers, no maternal care of humanity becomes extinct.

What is the situation with archetypes at the moment? What archetypes dominate? Which lost its former importance? Since now is not so much dominated by archetypes of mother and Hera, the other archetypes get more seats in the sun. The modern woman can show many previously alien to her features, realizing the potential of other archetypes. It is noteworthy that the situation is not all men is similar to female. Status of men had not changed. For many thousands of men enjoy more rights than women.

 Archetypes are a simple, rough soldier, Ares and cunning Odysseus, a talented warrior and her husband have always been a guide for men as well as the archetype of the priest, the priest, that gives attention to God's Providence. Among other archetypes can be called Vulcan, intelligent and versed in the art, Hermes, a clever merchant and thief, etc. But the fact that women were now more opportunities for the implementation of previously inaccessible to them archetypal traits does not automatically mean that the rights of men also increased. The fact that the potential of men and still shackles imposed on him the role of breadwinner, kept a. Therefore, the archetypal features of men not much more than women. Another thing is that women are just discovering the right to choose and therefore full of enthusiasm, and men have become accustomed to their rights.

Of course, modern women have gained unprecedented freedom. They can choose whether to be their mothers, lovers, girlfriends, Amazons, or imitate the Athena. I did not dare to single out the female archetypes abstract feminine and the male archetype - the top male. There is a need for female psychologists who have studied would be feminine, not as diligent student, looking at him through the man's glasses. One thing is certain, it is necessary to put an end to primitive circuits: female - is eros, and the male - a logo. For example, Athena is female type of intelligence that has nothing to do with animus. It should also question the biological postulate, which asserts that a woman feels a woman only if can bear and raise children. Relationships between men and women will truly new when women discover how rich palette of new archetypes. Marriage - this is not a harmonic union, but nevertheless it is a springboard of individuation, because his wife help each other understand the world, good and evil, high and low, in a word, life.
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