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Professional Suitability

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Professional Suitability

If you are in search of work, do not forget this important factor, as a professional fitness . If you're not imagine what it is necessary to dwell on this issue in more detail. So imagine: a woman forty years of growth of 160cm and weighs 75kg watching ballet on TV. And suddenly decides: "And why would not I become a ballerina?" Is it possible? "Absurd" - you might say. And you will be absolutely right. A woman with such data will not be able to become a ballerina. Her professional unsuitability for this type of activity as height, weight, age does not correspond to the requirements that apply to professional dancers. In general, it seems that the issue of suitability is simple and clear. However, in practice things are somehow different.

Stipulate that the professional suitability is often not associated with level of education, and even (which seems completely incomprehensible to many) with certain skills and abilities. In fact, the man who brilliantly ended pedagogical institute, in fact, may be unsuitable for teachers. Person who received the diploma of a technical college and having the necessary skills for work, for example, an architect, not really good for the industry. And if you're in search of work, you need all this into account. If you are holding a diploma with medical school, it still does not mean that because you might get a doctor. However, the list can be endless. Discuss this matter in more detail. Professional Suitability - is primarily the availability of necessary personal qualities that fit a particular area of activity. And if these qualities are absent or not developed, it is necessary to ascertain the professional unsuitability. Unfortunately, quite often a person is aware of professional unsuitability for a particular operation only after a try myself in a new field. Meanwhile, prevents to know about it beforehand.

Psychological characteristics of people
Fortunately, now everyone has the opportunity to consult with a psychologist, to pass special tests. All people are different, all different temperaments, different personality traits. Quick-tempered, overly excitable person is extremely difficult to succeed in the field of activity, which requires diligence and patience. Conversely, slow, phlegmatic person is extremely difficult to have on the job, which need quick response, activity and initiative. If the type of temperament you are sanguine, it is obviously a very sociable person, easy and without too much trouble adjusting to new circumstances. You do not see difficulties in every day to communicate with more people. On the contrary, you find this fun. You can easily forget the troubles are not particularly strong experience a failure. You are mobile, active, you need some new experiences. In sanguine virtually unlimited opportunities for choice of sphere of activity.

Their temperament can be engaged in any business, which has the ability and desire. If the type of temperament you choleric, it has elevated excitability, your nervous system is unstable. You act quickly, almost thinking about their actions. Choleric painfully failure, quickly spend all their strength, so that periods of activity they are replaced by apathy, lethargy. Choleric have a rich imagination, they are crucial, are able to set specific targets and aim at any price to attain them. But at the same choleric often can not objectively evaluate their abilities. Choleric act impulsively, do not tend to subject their actions analysis. Choleric temperament is often an obstacle to the choice of one or another sphere of activity. Imagine a teacher or educator, it is extremely short-tempered, unrestrained, on any mistakes pupils reacting very sharply. You can be sure that such a man no one can work out more than 1-2 months. If 20 years ago he would make comments, but work is not dismissed, but now things will be completely different.

If you are phlegmatic, it is not very active. You are slow, quiet, reliable. Moods and emotions are flat, you rarely get out of yourself. Phlegmatic always expect their forces to bring the case to the end. You do not like to waste time on empty talk, very responsible. However, it is sometimes lazy, apathetic. Phlegmatic prefer to stay on the sidelines, their leadership does not appeal. Phlegmatic extremely difficult to work with managers. After all, for this work must be the ability to respond quickly to any changing situation. Of course, phlegmatic be able to concentrate all its forces. But this price will be given the greatest efforts, so that sooner or later, may occur a nervous breakdown. Phlegmatic hard to communicate with more people, so it's best to think about the work that is not associated with intensive communication. For example, the profession of editor, programmer, driver, mechanic suit owners phlegmatic temperament is much more than the journalistic profession, the manager, an interpreter, a realtor.

Melancholic painful experience any setbacks. Difficult for them to concentrate on one thing. Any changes strongly affect their nervous system. This applies to both happy and sad situations. Melancholic reserved, timid, indecisive. They do not like rich communication, prefer to stay in the shade. Nevertheless, they are very responsible, able to cope on their own. Melancholic is often extremely difficult to choose for themselves a job. They do not like rich communication, not too confident feel, if they are in leadership positions. They seem to live in their world, finding common ground with the world around them. However, do not think that the owners of the melancholic temperament find no scope. On the contrary, sooner or later they learn to find a compromise between the need to work and the complexities of its controversial nature. Melancholic - it velikolepnyemysliteli, scientists, designers, and educators. However, a certain temperament is extremely rare, they say, in pure form. Most people have a mixed type of temperament. Therefore, although necessary to consider their personal characteristics, there is no need to justify their own failure to find work inborn qualities.

Indispensable employee

Many employers prefer to hire employees who already have experience in a particular area of activity. Those they seek to insure themselves against mistakes. After all, the head does not want to graduate high school, teach him the finer points of skill, and then find out that an employee, in principle, not suitable for this area of work. For example, graduates of the architectural department of the University may subsequently prove to be completely devoid of patience, perseverance, accuracy, logical thinking. That is why, to get a perspective and an interesting job with decent pay, often have to prove itself as an indispensable employee, but in another place.

Experience in our time is a kind of recommendation, without which it is extremely difficult to make a career. However, do not think that lack of experience is a significant barrier to employment. Many employers are taking new employees on probation. During this time, the employer and other employees time to find out whether the new employee to the requirements that apply to the office to which he claims. Often frustrating it is very serious. The man faces a situation that profneprigoden for work, which seemed to suit him. However, depressed is not necessary. On the contrary, you should realistically assess their ability to continue to choose "their" work.
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