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Professional self regulation mechanisms dysfunctions

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Professional self-regulation mechanisms dysfunctions

Mind and body constitute in itself a unique mechanism. If the machine itself can not fix, man, by contrast, can repair themselves, without outside interference. Namely, this is the uniqueness and the main advantage of a man - he can independently, without external intervention to fix. In practice, the picture looks less rosy. It turns out, we all, in an equal volume of what nature has tried, have concealed self-regulation mechanisms. How cool, and do not have to think how treated - all of us to make these magical mechanisms, many will think. It was not there. Primarily self-regulation mechanisms, which are dormant. Secondly, we are blocking their implementation, or even break. Here are two facts, and depend directly on us can not say that everything is fine, although it so wanted.

One of the features of professional dysfunction (PD) is that the area of their development - a professional, is purely artificial, because even 300 years ago about any physicists specializing in nano technology, speech and did not go. That is why, if the natural reaction to the flu are fever, then the development of PD such powerful defensive reactions there. But it's not entirely true, since the protective responses is still there and they will be even harder, but we are deliberately blocking. Many of the hidden mechanisms of self-regulation, including occupational dysfunctions in modern medicine and psychology are regarded as harmful. Only the recent trend of transition from this dogmatic approach towards the fact that if they really do not have a positive effect, then, at least, are the signals indicate that in mind, body, or something went wrong. This kind of innovation in scientific classical point of view on the body and mind can look at earlier in themselves harmful phenomenon, with a slightly different point of view - the usefulness and necessity.
Psyche and the human body itself designed to maintain proper balance, is to achieve stable operation, as well as continuous development and improvement. This orientation is a powerful foundation to and professional fields, albeit artificial, functioned without a glitch. Balance and self-regulation of the professional field is possible due to the fact that it is fully linked with the psyche and the body. There are no such elements of professional activity that would not be interdependent, or to the psyche, or with the body. For this reason, PD bear such risk and damage to the psyche and the body, and their development alters the functioning of the psyche and the body. On the one hand, it is harmful, but there is a strong positive effect, which can be used by us. Since the mind and body, have a desire to balance and development, self-regulation, the "repair" professional activities, you can run a self-regulating mechanisms of the psyche or the body.

Most likely, and quite understandable you probably have a question - "Why do something: to diagnose and develop treatment programs, but still searching for some hidden mechanisms of self-regulation is AP. You just need to relax, but for some reason, straining is unnecessary, because all do the same underlying mechanisms of self. " That would be the best option, but not so simple. First, the underlying mechanisms of self and hidden because they are not on the surface and not so visible, such as the need for food. Accordingly, in order to manage them, they are also beginning to find. Secondly, the mechanisms of self-regulation does not occur continuously, but are included when needed and off when they are not needed. In order to start up a mechanism of self-regulation requires a combination of factors, and, for each mechanism are unique. It turns out that the mechanisms of self-regulation is all of us, but they are not always included when needed.

Mechanisms of self-regulation did not emerge out of nowhere, and perfected in the course of evolution for millions of years, as a defense - a means of survival. And what do we do now, considering them harmful, block and eradicate. Admit it, at least, stupid to give up such efficient methods to maintain their own professional area - professionalism, not only in functional status, but also at a high level. By the way, many successful top managers of companies, acknowledged that the source of success is that they follow their inner voice and intuition. A relative, occupational dysfunction, they are considered the best to listen to your body, as he, they argue, knows best what he needs. It turns out that the key to success is not a departure from his instincts and rational use of our nature, and spent millions of years of evolution to reach the heights of professionalism. Of course, we should not immediately go to live in a box, and eat raw fish - everywhere want the measure, especially in terms of self-TD.

Professional self-regulation mechanisms dysfunction are diverse, and yet virtually unexplored, but you can confidently call the following:

1) reduced or increased appetite (the amount of food intake);

2) increased lethargy;

3) virus or any other disease;

4) stress;

5) depression;

6), drowsiness (increased time to sleep) or a constant and irresistible urge to sleep.

Each is designed not only to eliminate the POA, but runs in the other, loosely connected with professional dysfunction cases. In particular, and for this reason, almost to the day, they were perceived as, if not something harmful, then, at least, as a nuisance. Agree that if we start from the point of view was that the body is nothing superfluous, it's all been tested by millions of years of evolution, it turns out that embedded in the sent us for our own benefit. Here's a look at the example of self-preservation instinct. If you approach the edge of a high cliff, it is natural for a feeling of overwhelming fear, and the first impulse to go faster. The thing is that we have with you ancestors who have such an instinct for self-preservation, however, did not it was not long lived, and survived those in which it was developed.

We have to recognize that today we still know little enough about those mechanisms that slumber in us and begin to work only with the concurrence of certain circumstances and factors. It's like a complicated appliance, which we unfortunately lost the user manual. It seems to be clear here before us, but how to use it, we are the life of me, but do not know. The same applies to the hidden mechanisms of self-regulation, they are, and will not disappear - only to give opportunity to the mind and body to work independently and everything will be fine. But, no, we begin to treat stress pill, drowsiness hammering huge amount of coffee and cigarettes.

Each of the underlying mechanisms of self-regulation has its own characteristics, not only on the process flow and activities, but also about the factors that trigger. All this must be borne in mind, that is to have a clear idea of what you're working and what is happening in your body, and only then proceed to action. As the saying goes: "Ten times measure, cut once." That is how most of all characterizes the specificity of professional work with hidden mechanisms of self-regulation.
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