Programming in a positive!
For starters, the most characteristic negative thought must be identified and recorded. Detected it by introspection. You are just paying attention to what you usually say (out loud or to yourself) in moments of irritation, anger, depression and other neradostnyh experiences. Typically, these characteristics are repeated thoughts in my head, regardless of our desire, you just do not pay any attention to them before. And now you have to catch them and write down on paper to work with them. If these specific ideas, but there is simply a state that you do not like it, try to stretch their minds (see, so as not to inadvertently overheated), and specify a phrase that describes your condition. Can get something like: "All bad. Me annoying. All awful. I so can not go on. For what I do it? ", Etc.
Record to start a phrase to indicate your current status. Usually behind it is dissatisfaction with a situation or a particular person, and you're desperate to change something. Think about what you wanted to change and you did not work - hence should have the following specific types of thought:
'I put so much effort, and all useless. I do not work. " And she has clearly indicates the idealization of control (or its imperfections).
So there is something to work with. There is a characteristic phrase, express your attitude to the situation and you need it to do something so that it no longer poisoned Your life. Actually, what can and should do with the typical thoughts, it is clear from the chapter on dealing with negative programs. Characteristic of negative thoughts (and good thoughts for idealizations usually not) have some sort of internal negative attitudes, which must be replaced by an opposite, positive.
Recommendations for the compilation of positive statements
Thus, programming in a positive, rules of making positive statements are not complicated, but respecting them, you maximize the effectiveness of this tool.
1.Pozitivnoe statement must be within the meaning of the complete opposite of negative attitudes characteristic of your idealization.
2.Pozitivnoe approval must not be too long. Make up a sentence or two of clear and pleasant words to you.
3.Pozitivnye statements must not contain negations.
4.Pozitivnoe statement is always in relation to itself, ie always use pronouns: "I", "me", "me", etc. Changes in You and not around people or circumstances! Do not try to program change other people - they do not want it, and you get nowhere.
5.Pozitivnoe statement should be "your", ie it must be nice to you, and its recurrence should call you in the soul of good feelings. Mechanical repetition of even the most correct, but confusing or unpleasant about it you will not give a positive effect.
What to do with positive affirmations
After you have formulated a positive statement, you need to make sure that it replaced the previous negative programs in your subconscious. Thus, you diminish the significance of the old values, she will move from the category of idealizations in the category just important for your ideas. Or replaced by quite the opposite idea, that is, for example, instead of ideas about your shortcomings will be your idea of self-sufficiency for all that you yourself want.
To make a change in my subconscious need much effort. And the more negative the previous installation was in your subconscious mind, the harder it will delete it from there. You'll have to literally uproot from there to land on this spot a new positive belief. The end result of such work should be an inner state in which you do not fall into your typical experience. This means your idealization left you. If you remember, there are several options for working with positive affirmations.
Rewrite many times
The first method - rewrite of the hand of no less than 3000 times all of your positive statements (from the right column panels). Rewriting can be no more than a hundred times a day, so that this work will take about a month. You have to be very focused on the content of the phrase that will rewrite, not during the process distracted and think about something else.
Mental repetition
The second way - to memorize the positive statement (or copy them to a small sheet of paper and carry around), and mentally repeat them - like a mantra or prayers. Total time reps - from 3 to 10 hours in total. Not to forget his positive statement, give yourself some "reminder" of your intention not to fall into the experience. This may be an entry in your organizer or diary - rewrite it every week again. This may be a sign on your purse or on the dashboard of your car. This may be an inscription on a computer screen saver.
Good any way without stress will remind you of your decision, that "All my efforts to give a wonderful effect! I have everything works effortlessly! " I'm on a wave of good luck! ". Or something like that, but as a cheerful and helpful to you. This method is quite effective, but requires some time and effort. If it does not suit you, try something else.