Programming rainwater
Rainwater long been famous for its healing properties. It is programmed by nature to the growth, fertility, healing. Village residents use rainwater for irrigation. Rain water to wash well, wash her hair loose and falling out. She treats many skin diseases, but in addition, rain water - the perfect remedy for infertility.
It's worth knowing that the programming is not suitable any rainwater. In the city where the rain drops do not contain as much water as harmful chemical elements, water can not be programmed. But the rain, walking in the countryside, has a life-giving properties. But the most suitable for programming rainwater - the one that spilled out of the clouds come from the lake, sea or ocean.
Rainwater collected in a clean enamel or glass dish. Before programming, it must necessarily filter through dense matter, to purify water from the settled surface dust. The amount of water - 10 liters.
Prayers of rainwater
Prayer is the first
O Lord our God poslushavy Elijah Tishbite zeal for thee, and in time sending ground commanding the rain hold out, exact same again in his prayer to her prolific rain darovyvay: the lord of all thy samago blagoutrobiya beg, rain is free to grant Thy inheritance: and sin we have despised , rain Your nizposli for demanding and begging sites: Rejoice face of the earth, the poor for the sake of Thy people, and infants, and beasts, and other all: Zane to you chayut, Duthie hedgehog food to them for the benefit of time. Thou art our God, God, and the hedgehog milovati spasati, and to Thee we send up glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer is the second

Lord God Almighty, is building a cloud from the last earth, lightning in the rain sotvorivy, the generating winds of his precious things, prizyvayay sea water, and prolivayay yu in the face of all the earth: You pray and you milisya Deem, ispovedayusche our sins, and the richest mercy from Thee pleading: the commandment of hedgehog Wait a cloud of rain, uschedri whole earth Thy compassion for elders and yunoty and babies ssuschyya breasts, on the slaves of the earth, let us izvedet bread in the victuals, and grass by cattle, reject the prayer of thy people, and abhor sighs poor, below thy fury rebuke us, below thy wrath chasten us below so rastlishi smooth and thirst for Thy people: all the more eyes are on Thee rely, acceptance of your food in good time. Hope in Thee, and no other than Thee vemy, from the richest you expect mercy. Thou art a good God and mankind Thou and Thee do we ascribe glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer is the third
O Lord our God, vemy, Thou esmy unworthy of thy bounty, and Nesmith deserve to erect our eyes, and mature into the sky, and the articles before you, and our petitions glagolati to you: there are more good sotvorihom, and obtain a petition, for Thy sake bezmernyya goodness, from nothingness to us urchins byti drive, thought it thou thy way, and all the creatures thou hast conquered us: we'll shred oblagodetelstvovani the former, as He at once predstavihomsya: and unto the commandments prezrehom benefactor, and the life of vicious and evil and unclean thoughts styazhahom: and not tochiyu otvergohom love, but as He and the animals on each other nosimsya and eaten the flesh of each other, lihoimstvennymi images and unjust to our proizvoleniem: kako UBO worthy esmy thy benefactor perception; Thou righteous, we are unjust: You Ljubisa, we quarrel: You blagoutroben we neblagoutrobni: You're a benefactor, we have predator. Something to communicate to you the imams, and thy good intermingled; and confess thy righteousness, to know our conviction, proclaim Your goodness, the imam of deaths blamed esmy: Behold thy under valid and contains all the hand remains. Conveniently there is Thy all-powerful hands of Jacobian in the twinkling of an eye pogubiti us: and eliko of our intentions and lives righteously, we have predatisya misery, the righteous Sudie: for thy invincible goodness and ineffable of charity, to bear any dignity, for mankind Lord: for this cause in Your neizsledimoe mercy, and thy womb nepamyatozlobnuyu derzayusche, proceed to Thee benefactor, unreasonable and ungrateful: not prodazhd us for our sin in the hands dry, below for our iniquities, and crush us by ties of smooth, but for the sake of Thy goodness, podazhd land yuzhe identified esi and Thy inheritance, rain free, and fill depths of the earth, Thy zhivorodnymi water: behold predlezhit rium, as He machi izsusheny possessing breasts, as He onyya more teats with milk lishayuschesya, death brings an infant: sitse and land over the reins of their own are not involved in moisture haves, wilting creates the grains, and corruption of their births brought and gubitelstvo us pretitelnoe and death. Because of the dry heat aki some incite ognevitsa, vegetating uvyadivy, destruction proclaim the birth of her: but by the grace of his Visit w, air and water clouds blagorastvori and rich your rain land irrigation, and prozyabeniya revive her, and vozveyaniem kindest winds, the fruits are whole and complete did, and the multiplier I blagoutrobiem thy work: those more determined Thou solid stomach contained. For though you're not with arbitrary Thy rains dashi goodness, our land will not give its fruit: but set for thy tender mercies, hear our prayer unworthy of thy servants. Thou art the source of mercy and good vendor, and to Thee we send up glory, with Thy Father, and with the holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer Four
Lord, Lord, thy prophet Elijah razreshivy dryness and rainfall over the face of the earth and an abundance of fruits odozhdivy napitavy Thy people bogatno. Himself, and now of course beg Thy goodness, grant land rains have peace, in the fruits summer fruits: for thou art the water in their place ustroivy, and the land of the coated sotvorivy see. Thou art the commanding her izraschati various fruits, in our delight. Thou art the sin for the sake of others like men, razverzy fountains of the deep, and opened the abyss of heaven, and the face of the earth navodnivy to destroy all flesh. Thou art the waters pokryvayay prevysprennaya Thou Thy clouds vozvyshayay, and sim povelevayay dozhdevnye prevysprennaya Your. Thou art the clouds vozvyshayay, and sim povelevayay dozhdevnyya ispuschati drop. Thou art the sea water is building and izlivayay on the face of the earth. Thou art opredelivy rains, and rains volnyya otluchivy and river waters napolnyayay and napolnyayay land and upovayay reins of her, in the multiplication of her red fruits. Thou art razdelivy sea and river passable sodelyvay, and water from a stone istochivy and bitterness in the sweetness of the water prelozhivy: news water nature of his Creator, he knows their Lord: no news is not granted his ministry, If ye shall see thee Lord is angry against us, or infinitely movable, destruction sodelovaet or conjugated withheld, and dry containment emlet and plamenovidny air is, and earth prozyabeniya fade, and we are in the hands fall into trouble: If ye see you again in the same chelovekolyubtsa God blagouvetliva, Ty blagopremenitelna, prepareth rain and clouds to the ground niznosyatsya and air blagodyshuschy happens, and the land of thy commandment heard izobilnyya fruits from their sides languishing. You UBO Creator and the Creator of all pray, saying: Have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us: "Remember, O Thou Thy hand esmy cases, attend to nemozheniyu our natures, for Thou hast created us, groaning vizhd birds, beasts vopienie, infant crying, a young man cry, the old okoyanstv, depriving orphans, widows privacy, squalid nedostatochestvo, and all Thy people Prayer voice, and visit the earth, and upoy yu mast rain, sputum more lishayuschisya, its more prozyabeniyam wilting, but man and beast pretit misery, perdition will bring the water sometimes, didst remember Thou November worn in kovcheze from the immense waters thereof. Thou didst remember well his birds, and beasts, and beasts, and creeping things, and thou hast brought the spirit of the land, water and wor: and Noah, and with it the seed of the animal as He kept the art Thou, being vtorago in the world: and now containing dry air, smooth preschayay and death, remember upovayuschyya on Thee People: Remember the birds and, remember, and cattle, and the spirit of the dew point-and dry so be abolished, and the seeds of the earth hath made in the education of men and animals the same, and all of you again in hedgehog fishing vouchsafe. Thou art prozyabayay grass cattle grass service of man, and Thou art the generating bread from the earth, and wine istochayay and oil umoschayay human face: Thou yes filed on well with thee in abundance prichaschayuschesya, with gladness of heart, glorify Your goodness, Father and Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer is the fifth
O Lord, Lord, Jesus Christ our God, the verb to its non-existence of all hello, ring vzemy from the earth and created man and the soul in words and manner in thy mail order and reky: grow and multiply, and replenish the earth: dayay cattle food, and chicks corvids: ilk and in Thy great salvation and the coming of thy flesh, before UBO SEDM, then the same pyatiyu cakes tysyaschy saturated hast many: he all-good Lord, and Thy most holy people Sia prizyvayuschyya Thy name, Thy vsedetelnoyu and velikodarnoyu right hand bogatno prepitay. Look down, Lord, at Thy people miserable, otverzayay thine hand, and nasyschayay every animal grace, all the more uschedri milostivno us: For Thou O Lord of mankind, the only art the Father of us all, and you are building a common eyes, for they otdoenoe to his mother: Yours is the word preblagy Lord: Ask, and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find. Wait UBO asking now Lord, with spiritual meat, and nuzhdnuyu flesh and prepitay alchuschyya Your people, the rains are temporary, and seasonable weather and an abundance of fruits of various land grant: in sickness and gubitelstve and ognevitsy and neduzeh various disasters visited. Deliver, Lord, thy name calling this castle, and every city and country, from smooth, gubitelstva, coward, flood, fire, sword, and murder: daruyay us thy mercy, grace without beginning and consubstantial Thy Father and prisvyatago and edinochestnago Your Spirit: Prayer and molenmi preblagoslovennyya Virgin Bogoglagolivyh thine apostles, and all thy saints. Amen.