Programming the water in the well
Water in the well can also be programmed - and then it will increase the quality of drinking many times. In addition, this water will get healing properties, will maintain and strengthen the immune system.
Prayer over the well
O Lord our God, the Almighty and all-powerful, creating the whole and pretvoryayay, tochiyu hedgehog want: ilk in the no-go pass obretayay ineffable and inscrutable wisdom: ilk from suhago stone water feeding mother-in flow, and zhazhduschyya thy people nasytivy. Himself, and now, O Lord of all, hear the prayer we are unworthy of thy servants, and grant us the water in this place, sweet and delicious, quite a UBO to require, as to the acceptance of nevreditelnuyu: Thou and even in this most holy and majestic praise to thy name, Father, and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer of St. Sergius of Radonezh (through the prayers of the holy open water sources)
O sacred head, holy and God-bearing Father, our Sergius, thy prayer, and faith and love which is shed for God, and purity of heart, even on land to the monastery of the Holy Trinity ustroivy thy soul, and angelskago communication and the Theotokos visiting spodobivyysya and gift chudodeystvennyya grace tricks on your departure is from the earth rather to God priblizhivyysya and heavenly forces priobschivyysya, but also from us the spirit of love and its not otstupivy chestnyya thy power, Thou a vessel full of grace and preizlivayuschiysya we ostavivy! Velie boldness to Vladytse Merciful, pray to save his servant, sheer in you his grace and veruyuschiya to you with love pritekayuschiya. Having asked us to velikodarovitago our God every gift, and all koemuzhdo blagopotreben, faith, blameless observance, hail our statement of peace umirenie, and on the smoothness of destruction and deliverance, from the invasion of strange retention, comfort the bereaved, healing diseases, fallen vozstavlenie, confused in the way of truth and the salvation of the return, that ye strive to strengthen, blagodelayuschim affaires good prosperity and blessing babies upbringing, youthful instruction NLO admonition, orphans and widows Power leveling, retreating from this vremennago lives to the eternal good ugotovlenie and farewell, departed the blessed repose, and establish thou thy whole Ny vouchsafe prayers a day Strashnago Court shuiya get rid of, desnyya same country obshchnika byti and blessed shalt hear the voice of the Lord Jesus: Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you by adding the world. Amen.

The second prayer Sergey Radonezhsky
O sacred head, Reverend Father, preblazhenne Avvo Sergius great! Do not forget their miserable until the end, but we remember the saints and their supportive prayers to God. Remember your herd, hedgehog himself upasl art Thou, and do not forget poseschati your children. Moli for us, holy Father, for your children spiritual deeds, for they boldness to the Heavenly King, not premolchi for us in the Lord and not despise us, faith and love that thought upon thee. Remember us unworthy of the Almighty Throne and ceases praying for us to Christ, God, for the grace given to you byst pray for us. Do not Recall bo cha suscha dead, For though and body art the reposed on us, but the death is alive sy prebyvaeshi. Do not abandon us to the spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy, and every charm of demons, and the wiles of the devil, our good shepherd; For though your cancer, and relics of our sight is always visible, but the holy of your soul with angelic host, with bezplotnymi faces, with the heavenly hosts, at the Throne of the Almighty predstoyaschi, decent fun. Leading bo cha truly alive and after death suscha, pripadaet you and you pray, pray for us hedgehog Almighty God for the benefit of our souls, and isprositi time for repentance, and forbidding preitii from earth to heaven, the same bitter ordeal, demons, princes of the air eternal suffering and deliverance, and inherit the heavenly Kingdom together with all the righteous, who always pleased our Lord Jesus Christ. Emuzhe due all glory, honor and worship of His Eternal Father, and Holy, and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.