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Promotional Culture

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Promotional Culture

The idea of advertising, like any other idea, as soon as the event becomes uncontrollable the person - in the first chapter, we called it the effect of the pendulum. The idea of advertising is starting to develop, because the development is a fundamental property of all ideas. But it develops in the direction in which the demands of her own structure and properties, but not one that requires the person. Nobody can stop or stop the invasion of advertising (as it is impossible to stop computer games, or satanism, or use of opium, or harmless hobby like philately), even if it turned to that advertising mortally harmful.

Advertising is lying - such as TV program about cooking suddenly spills into the program advertising a particular product, the company has ordered some music and people were deceived. The firm, which produces some quack vselechaschie drops, buys a radio program with a name such as "Health" or "Our Health" and now dozens of people who really professionals who were helpful and kind program is now weekly, and with the conviction lies. If unconvinced they were lying, they are replaced.
Advertising is lying about the competition, which in reality - the lottery. She lied to us about our needs and thoughts, which are actually not. *** - Your favorite beer, "" I never smile because I have yellow teeth, not brushing your teeth, because I doubt whether you can make them white, without damaging the enamel. " Do at least one person in the world thinks so? Television shows us the women's ass and explains how to use it for Vibrating or some other priborchiki for weight reduction.

With posters staring at us advertising prostitutes - that is, ladies baring parts of his body and taking indecent poses to advertise panties spozhek, lipstick and anything - selling her body. Advertising worse than an ordinary prostitute, because that is cheating on you twice. Used to offer love and gives the body the same promotional offers love, and gives a telephone number by which you can negotiate the acquisition of the pan at a discount. Mainly becomes a commodity and its packaging, the product already so insignificant that its quality may be on the lowest acceptable level of sanitation. Exploited human weaknesses, explores the depths of human folly and depravity - and all the results immediately go into action. In the case primitivization rights.


Conventional, long known techniques of hypnosis is: brightness, volume, cry, emotion, rhythm, repetition, elemental and mass deception - as a means of multiple mutual contamination in the crowd. Strictly speaking, the crowd in order and have created, hypnotize it much easier and cheaper. All of these techniques from the booths at the fairs were moved to the TV. Leading yells, his eyes bulge, she laughed, pulling the limbs to the beat, easy to follow. Migrated into the posters. Photo: woman, teeth bared, screaming at the limit of physical capacity of the organism. Signature: Guess what I want? Answer: she wants to smoke a cigarette a certain brand.

Disappear semitone. Does not exist just a good or a more or less good. There's only super-plus-hyper-ultra good. Is no longer new, there are ultramodern, calls itself the twenty-first century. The actor is no longer an actor, a superstar in Hollywood. IS INFLATION expression and information in general. And if you think that we are entering in the information age, it becomes scary. Percentage lies in the words and images is constantly growing. Baby, diapers advertising, not only laugh at the drop of a hat, and simultaneously grabs a cell phone, knocking over the keys on your computer. Formula suggestion is this: "Buy diapers and be rich." Bind completely extraneous things, such as chocolate and sex. Perverted logic. Contrary to Aristotle, "then" means "because of this." "I quit drinking and become rich!" "I started to buy cigarettes with such-and now every girl is mine!" "I buy expensive toys for their children because saving both on mobile!

On ways to increase demand for goods stood two strongest obstacles: first - as if the complete satisfaction of the population previous acquisitions and the second - the increasing standardization of products and deprived of their individual characteristics. It was at that time began to dawn, two new ideas suggested by psychologists: to promote a feeling of discontent among the public that he has, and strongly encouraged in all new and new purchases, apply to stimuli that are stored in the subconscious of consumers and vigorously exploit them.

Appeared packaging depicting seductive cooking process and seemed to summon the completion of such processes. Advertising workers hit upon the idea even before talking packaging, aspiring quiet conversation about the product, when you take him in hand. Studies have found that women, going shopping, leave the glasses at home. In this regard, were to lay out the goods at eye level, and especially tempting goods - in a conspicuous place and isolated in large numbers, as they say in bulk, as the abundance of strongly attracts buyers.

But the mesmerizing not only advertising. Do not you ever wondered where it came from in our time this heinous music? What is the music of this, without which you can not do without? Why go through the streets of subjects zatknuvshie ear headphones and the headphones can hear something reminiscent of the sound of rapidly rolling on the rails car broken glass? Why do not we fall in love with painting or versification to the same extent? Why is music, not architecture or expressive reading? And how did without audio people a hundred years ago?

Promotional Culture

Advertising culture is hostile to an individual point of view. Any idea should be or must become a mass media. And the media, and fashion, and advertising can only work on a lot, but not on personality. In the best case - in personality, stamped with a circulation of hundreds of thousands of copies. If any idea can not become a mass, it is some time living alone, and then trampled - so Regiment soldiers trampled grass. advert culture vrazhebna thought. Any ideas of mass already formulated and presented to the customer on a silver platter. If the idea does not contradict them, it's not a thought, but merely a repetition of the conventional platitudes. A thought can only contradict the idea of mass - so it is a potential enemy.

Advertising culture is hostile to all complex. All the complex and deeply considered non-existent, do not talk about it, it do not notice. And since it does not seek to impose on themselves (It is unnatural that the pilot asked the men to obey him, or wise men knocked at doors to the rich, - notes on this subject, Plato), it remains invisible and inaudible. And those complex things that can not close my eyes, name-calling by some aggressive and derogatory term (usually consisting of only two syllables, at least three, for the brightness and simplicity), and thus canceled. Obzyvalki fabricated directly on the move, the cost of millions umishek, and after the complex has become irrelevant, die.

Untwist artists, singers, musicians, athletes, writers, poets and artists. Choose a few names and begin to advertise them in all possible ways. The more popular names are, the greater the income it brings. But the method of promotion, cost-effective course, has some fundamental flaws. It also allows you to create a low and undemanding mass taste, which will udoletvoryatsya cheap (do not require too much investment) fakes. The result is that the average level of culture is declining. Good taste is uneconomical and becomes a negative quality. With it comes even to fight.
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