Proper Breathing for toning
Breathing - this is one of the components of our lives. No wonder we say "to the last breath", meaning that the shutter speed, the ability for long-term effort. In a figurative sense we speak of the superiority of man and his victory in the struggle for life. Breathing according to the story of creation - this is the beginning of life. It comes from God. He created the likeness of a man and breathed life into him.
Our life is in inspiration and expiration, so the center of breathing is one of the main divisions of the brainstem.
Oriental myth of the life story of the three goddesses explains the importance of breath for the duration of our lives. The first goddess of weaving life line, the second measured out, and a third cut them, and returns the soul back. But this occurred only in the event that occurred when their time is spent or the number of metered breathing. This suggests that the person who rushes through life afraid of something does not catch very quickly handle all affairs and die sooner. In reality, this means that we quickly and hastily squandered allotted us the number of breath. Those who develops a self-restraint and endurance, may long to enjoy life.
But beware: you must now try to save on your breathing and thus prolong their life. Thus, you deprive yourself "spark" in life. Then there is no point in getting udovolstviyai in old age. The most reasonable thing would be to extend and enjoy every moment of life.
From the very first to the last moments of life, we inhale and exhale, that is, breathe. And from this we can save only death. But there is another way to stop breathing for what a special moment in my life. Such a pause can survive for a short time the greatest happiness.
This is a real godsend - experience such moments of bliss. When the breath stops, the soul leaves the busy world of contradictions, can exercise his mission and survive the unity with all around.
What is related breathing
All spiritual breathing exercises aimed at achieving harmony with oneself, but the most effective is connected breathing. This simple technique used by many thousands of years in Tibet, over and over again arises in spiritual circles. In the last millennium, it is used in the "Order of the Golden Dawn, which included the Irish writer William Butler and on the mysteries of science Dion Fortune.
Comparing Lean breathing system associated with breathing, we are talking about the influx of life energy. While normal breathing is for survival, this system leads to a fulfilling life. Then why, you ask, we breathe is not in full force and do not enjoy a full life? The reason is that our first breath in this world was so painful that we consciously decided to avoid something like this in the future. But a few years ago to revive the tradition by the second, cutting the umbilical cord still pulsing so as to prevent the suffering of the child, not only in terrible pain, but also to avoid a sudden feeling of suffocation. This is probably due to interruption of the flow of maternal blood vitality. In this case, from the panic is not a trace left.
If the first breath was painful, it is important to facilitate breathing in achieving their rights and opportunities and to protect from injury.
It is recommended that a system of coupled respiration, which is endowed with many advantages. With the main emphasis is on the breath and abandon truce. Inhale and exhale slowly replace each other and thus require our concentration. This kind of breathing leads to a rapid filling of oxygen, or Prana, while we are in a large number exhale carbon dioxide. This leads to a significant decrease in acidity. If the body loses in the process of breathing is the amount of acid in its tissues increases alkali.
Technology-related breathing as simple as effective. Waiver of respite is to ensure that the collapse of the blockade and eliminated barriers to the flow of energy. Imagine the effect of irrigation canals that were destroyed many years, and suddenly let the water run over them. The same thing can happen to our body's energy systems. In Chinese traditional medicine known concept of a special tank, called the supply line, the meridian.
This Indian tradition is at the Nadir and the chakras corresponds to the center of the energy of the cluster.
Modern alternative medicine can measure points on the meridian, that is the point of acupuncture, how to use the resistance of the surface layer, and thermography. This energy is known in the West under the name of Orgon, and Aude, or animal magnetism. Yet in the East her more attention and referred to as chi or ki energy. Valued and its direction of Taijiquan.
If we give this energy a chance to strengthen its forces, it will destroy all the barriers and obstacles that still will not weaken, but will give an opportunity to freely break the force of life. This can be seen on the example: water, fired by the old ruined irrigation canals can be its power to change the channel of the river and wash away all obstacles. The same thing we experience when, for example, training on system-related breathing.
Along with great potential breathing performs a series of extremely important functions for overall health. First, it provides us with oxygen, and secondly, it stimulates and does not stop the burning and metabolism. No breath can neither save nor to continue life in man. We think only about how long we can live without breathing, without food and water. Although breathing and not the main thing, but without it nothing is possible.
At this point we can recall a chapter on the motion. From the perspective of the health movement has a meaning only when there is zero oxygen balance. This means that the body should not consume more oxygen than he can breathe, otherwise there is oxygen starvation. In the future, it goes into an energy deficit, and the movement may be to the detriment of health.
System "related breathing ', as mentioned, is a good opportunity to decrease the acidity of and superior to all other treatments in natural ways. Meanwhile, most of humanity suffers from peroxidation.
A two-hour sitting with the "related breathing regulates metabolism in the direction of an alkaline composition. And also a good support when appropriate change of diet. A whole series of symptoms peroxidation disappears during this treatment.
In this case we get rid of the pain that the doctors had called "vegetative dystonia", ie the distribution of spurious voltage on the internal nervous system.
Breathing, among other things, assist in the digestive system, as the diaphragm at deep inspiration down the entire abdominal cavity down and massage her. Thus helping in the bowel movement of the colon. Those who suffer from constipation, should in any case learn to breathe properly before taking medications.
With conscious breathing we get a chance to recharge, maintain ability to work and enjoy life. The same thing, but it is much easier and faster can be achieved through a system of coupled respiration. It is important to begin to do so within two or three weeks under the supervision of experienced therapists.
At the beginning of each procedure must necessarily be present breathing exercise. While it was running again you are going with the thoughts and concentrate, which enhances the action of the procedure. Most women breathe too superficial, which leads to insufficient supply of oxygen. Thanks to the next exercise you will learn to breathe deeply. This way you will breathe in more oxygen and exhale, respectively, more exhaust air.
Relax. Put feet shoulder-width apart toes forward. Now, slightly bend your knees, buttocks, back set aside (but do not bend), puffed out his chest, drop your shoulders and look straight ahead.
Place the palm of your hand on your stomach and slowly take a deep breath, feeling at the same time as your belly sticks out. Then slowly exhale through the mouth, and the air can come out with a little noise. Repeat three times.
Now put the palm of your hand on your chest and slowly inhale again - feel like expanding your chest. Hold the air for a moment, then exhale with force. Repeat three times.