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Properties of temperament

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Properties of temperament

Understanding the characteristics of their own temperament will allow you to adjust their behavior, communication style and leadership to meet the specific objectives depend on the communication of your leadership and the characteristics of his temperament. It is obvious that a person is born as the established identity. Formation takes place gradually, under the influence of many factors. Much earlier than the personality is formed, a person can observe the individual characteristics of temperament, personality traits and mobility of the psyche as a whole. Such features are quite conservative, stable and clearly observable. They form a characteristic unique psychological basis on which later are built personal property.
Properties temperament is primarily include congenital individual's own personality traits. The type of temperament is largely dependent character of the mental reactions, such as:

1.Skorost response of mental processes and their sustainability.

2.Psihichesky rhythm and rate of reactions. (Change of mental states).

3.Intensivnost mental processes.

4.Napravlennost mental activity on certain items, such as permanent and habitual desire of man to new contacts, to new experiences of reality and increased attention to the man himself, to his own ideas and images.

Complexion and character

You probably have met such narrow-minded view: "Full good man bad," "The tall man - stolid dwarf!" Etc. These observations are not unfounded. E. Kretschmer, in his book "The structure of the body and nature", first published in 1921, wrote about their observations and links certain types of "constitutional" structure of the body with the corresponding types of psychic manifestations, classifying them into groups. On the basis of his research give the classification of psycho E. Kerchmera.

"Leptosomatik" - he held a fragile, thin build, tall, flat ribcage. Shoulders - narrow feet - long and thin.

"Picnic" - is too fat, short, with a big belly and a round head on short neck, man.

"Athletic" - for it is characterized by muscular, strong constitution, and above average height, broad shoulders, narrow hips.

"Displastik" - a man with a formless, is not proportional to the structure of the body. It is characterized by different deformation and deviation from the norm.

All these characteristics are highly conditional, are not considered sex differences, cultural and age. And the most controversial - is the discrepancy between the number of constitutional types of construction of the body - their 4 and temperament types - there are only 3! The author offers three types of temperaments:

1. "Schizotimik"

2. "Iksotimik"

3. "Tsiklotimik"

"Shizotimik has ascetic figure, it is closed, balanced, stubborn, prone to fluctuations in emotions for him are difficult changing of attitudes and beliefs, with difficulty adapting to the environment.

"Iksotimik" different athletic. He is calm, with muted facial expressions, little susceptible, with low flexibility of thinking, typically small-minded people.

"Tsiklotimik" - has pyknic figure, inclined to the opposite extremes of moods from sorrow to joy, connects easily with people, he characterized the realistic views.

These findings are well grounded, based on observations, but can not qualify for sufficient accuracy of the findings. Such a classification can hardly be called reasonable if only because the violation of the principle of comparability, which involves assessment of various types on the same parameters, and preferably measurable. At least well-known author William Sheldon also based on the assumption of the existence of a connection between the structure of the body and the type of temperament. The constitution of the body and temperament are associated. According to W. Sheldon - the structure of the body determines the type of temperament, which is its function. This author, based on the hypothesis of the existence of the basic body types, describing their term borrowed from embryology. Three types of physiques on W. Sheldon: endomorphic; mesomorphic; ectomorphic.

Characteristics of temperament in Sheldon

But even such a conspicuous taste for the anatomical sciences are not attached to the credibility of such a theory. Characteristics of temperament proposed by William Sheldon. "Visitsetroniya" - characterized by an addiction to convenience, comfort and abundant high-quality food, to communication within companies, friendly gatherings for a good table. The author calls this phenomenon "socialization" of food needs and passion for public life - "sotsiofiliey. Friendliness, a thirst for love and approval of others, focus on the needs of others, emotional balance, tolerance, serene contentment, good sleep, softness, courtesy in communication and external manifestation of emotions. These estimates are subject to call only a condescending smile of modern psychology. Naive to assume such vague conclusions on solid scientific evidence.

"Somatoniya" - this type in the opinion of the author's characteristic confident posture and movements. Predilection for physical activity, vigor. Inherent in this type of drastic manners, bravery. Possible manifestations of aggression and brutality. Not psychologically sensitive. The hard-adjustable loud voice. Spartan endurance, lack of sensitivity to pain. Fussy and noisy behavior. Usually looks older than his age. Objectivity and the breadth of thinking is usually directed outward. This list of characteristics can be put to a standstill, because you do not give a clear picture of characteristic types of temperament.

"Tserebrotoniya" characterized by the inhibition of movements, stiffness of posture, increased physiological reactivity, high response rate, a penchant for solitude, long arguments, the increased attention. This type tends to hide her feelings, emotionally inhibited. Easily monitor their own facial expressions. Subject to "social phobia" - fear of social contacts. He slowed down, held down in communication. You can see yourself in the proposed characteristics of many controversial issues and unsubstantiated allegations. For example, the ratio of noise is very different from one and the same person at different ages, however, as the capacity for social intercourse.

And concepts such as courage, bravery all the more highly relative and difficult to be compared. But, nevertheless, interesting that the fact that the idea of scientists covering all possible aspects of the problem, indicating that its seriousness and importance to society as a whole. In psychological science, most of the "constitutional" construction of concepts subject to reasonable and reasoned criticism. Many well-known concepts are not perfect and for many reasons are uncertain. Their main drawback is that they are mostly one-sided approach to the problem. With the help of these theories can not explain many facts that reveal the relationship of temperament on the properties and types of the nervous system.

These theories as to neglect the fact that temperament has a direct bearing on the mental processes of the central nervous system, therefore, logical to look for patterns in this area of knowledge. However, we still are building their first, often not conscious impression on external signs - shape, gait, gestures, clothes, that's why in this chapter are paid attention to various theories of the definition of temperament. Under the type of temperament should still understand a set of mental properties, patterns, and common to a group of people. But we deliberately offer you these theories, because in spite of the serious and valid criticism of them, the constitution of the body suggests some predisposition and development of human character and his temperament.
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