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Pros and cons of civil marriage

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Pros and cons of civil marriage

They have everything - love, caring, understanding. There's just one thing - a stamp in the passport. Because of this seemingly small things and problems

According to surveys of sociologists, 27% of Russians think marriage is obsolete phenomenon, while 47% do not believe in its longevity. And this global trend. In many developed countries, this situation is common: a man and woman live together for many years, love each other, they have a common child, but marriage is not officially registered. In this case, a woman is by nature a keeper of the home, dreaming that one day the word "husband" and "family", she can say with certainty in his voice, knowing: that's all. But hopes are not met. And there are conflicts: the hidden or explicit, that interfere with noticing the small joys of life together. What to do?
Recommendations for her:

1. Remember all the good things that you have had: a romantic date, travel to the ends of the earth, long night talking on the phone, anxious beat of your heart for an hour before the meeting. Are you sure that this is not enough to feel truly happy?

2. Suppose, though something inside you says: I'm happy, but not quite. You are madly in love with him and without a ring on his finger, but it's not for nothing the tradition of a family! Especially in today's society, where sometimes you do not know what will happen to you tomorrow, and always want to feel solid ground under their feet. And if it does not find a loved one, how can you be at least somewhat confident? Share with them your thoughts and feelings on this matter. Tell me what your relationship really changed after the wedding, but not as he may think. On the contrary, you feel even more will get stronger, you can fully trust each other and feel confident in life.

3. During a conversation with him did not go to cry, not to irritate and leave, slamming the door. He might think that once you arrange such a performance, discussing the future life, your feelings for him, too ostentatious. Calmer. If he realizes that you are confident in himself and his decision may have in his soul something eknet. And then he stops to tell you about the hundreds of friends that the marriage has broken life. And it will be your great victory!

4. Not only in conversations, but all his behavior, try to show the partner that you do not treat it as a thing and respect his views, interests and desires. But it did not back away from his going.

5. Believe that you are able to break the deadlock. Just be aware: no marriage is not worth your nerves and good mood! Now "no" - means that tomorrow will be "yes." In the meantime, enjoy each other!

Recommendations for him:

1. Talk with your beloved about what she expects from marriage. Tell her your thoughts on this. Perhaps she too is afraid that if the passports would be unfortunate dies, everything goes wrong and you do not get to keep the relationship. Think together, why do you need it and that prevents to achieve its long-held dream.

2. You are very fond of his partner, simply a marriage for you - something so strange and unknown, that you fold, persuading themselves: and all so well. But you never know whether this is so, if you do not try! Play this game. (In this case, be sure to warn her friend that you just train her to not take your words to heart). Make a ring of foil, stand on one knee and say: "Will you marry me?" It is likely you are to decide this difficult. But then, believe me, it will be easier to make an offer - words will not be stuck in the throat. And when you think seriously about the wedding, did not become a decision to postpone indefinitely.

3.A now stay alone with myself. You want to be with this woman forever? Want to have your kids do not think that my mother and father issues? What do you expect from this relationship? If you do not get married just because you are afraid of marriage, try to rethink the situation, look at it from all sides, including from the beloved. If you do not want to marry it with her, then your relationship is something wrong and the marriage had nothing to do with it.


85% of women in civil marriage, consider themselves married, while 90% of men living with their chosen ones without registration - blank;

During the first year of life, civil marriage official marriage solved 18% of couples, in the second - 20% in the third - 17%.

For various reasons, the couple, who live a civil marriage, diverge more often in the first year of life (almost 20% of couples), second - about 5% of couples, etc.

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