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Protect us from evil

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Protect us from evil

The only thing against which I have objected, since it is against the fear of heavenly forces. Once I had to advise the family of our journalists in Paris. This is a wonderful family, very friendly, beautiful, I love them very much, and we're friends for many years. Then their youngest son Vasya had difficulty adapting to the French school, huddled in corners with no one spoke. Even at home, with his wonderful mom. That is what gave rise to find me in Paris during one of my trips.

The usual consultation with a psychologist is in three parts. The first time I listen to their parents, during the second we talk to the kid in the third I share my discoveries and observations with parents, and we discuss how we move forward. Parent version was that the child something is seriously ill and may need psychiatric help.

"He could not sleep for long periods. Afraid to be alone. I go with him, but he turns, constantly checking on the spot if I - "Mama said.

-He is a late, fourth, maybe, there is little they do? - Doubted dad.

Vasya I asked to bring pencils and his favorite pictures, because I already knew from his parents that he loved to draw and sculpt.

-Hello! You sit comfortably on the edge of the sofa? Come on, move me.

I hugged Vasya, we began with a single sculpture, and bent over the drawings.

-I am very glad that I could meet you. I see that you are very talented boy. It's cool - what are you drawing. But you know I'm too nice and interesting people. I am a psychologist.

Vasya nodded. It was evident that he is experiencing tremendous interest and is willing to talk.

-Do you know what makes a psychologist?

-Helps children?

-Good for you!

-I want to tell you.

-Really? I understand ...

"He worries me.



-This is someone in your family?

No, - smiles.

Spreads his hands as much as possible.

-So big?




"You forgot his name?

-No. I can not say.

-He promised? - Guess.


-Who? Pope? Brother?

No, him.

-That is the green?


-Naturally. The situation in our complex. What do we do?

Shrugs. But it is clear that under stress and wants to help him get rid of the secret.

-You know what? Let me turn my back, and you silently narisuesh it, and I look only one eye? - I'm walking on the ploy.

He closes his palm leaf and starts to draw something. I stand by the window turned away. On the contrary a huge school yard. There is learning Vasya. During the change scores of pupils are under my window. But Vasya clinging to a corner, fearing that it hurt. This scene every day, watches his mother.


I turn, vigorously moving in the direction of the boys, to save time and look over his shoulder. Instead of waiting for the green monster across the entire leaf was written: "Lugavov" Bah! " Protect us from evil "- the Lord's Prayer." I carefully look around the room. For all the bookshelves are icons ... With parents Vasey, we agreed that the prayer with the words "Protect us from evil" on the night he will read his father. And agreed that Basil is not yet 11 years old, some important things they will do together, and some - only a father with his elder brother. In the end, it is their duty - to protect. The French college largely to psychological difficulties Vasey had nothing to do. The boy came to life after our meetings, was quietly and happily to sleep, play with their peers, the French. All vanished!

Good heavens ....

After a long period of atheism, our citizens with special ryanostyu pedantry and rushed into the religious life! Passionateness parents may be confusing to children, and lack of experience with children on religious themes, can lead not to unite the family, and alienation. Archives of the Russian emigres in Paris that same store written evidence of cultural communication between children and parents, children and educators about the most intimate things. "Conversations with young people" Orthodox philosopher and educator Zenkovsky - sample sensitivity and careful attention to the young, still fledgling soul.

Not every Orthodox priest today is ready to give due consideration to the families of parishioners, especially children. It is sad that today, a priest and a child psychologist compete for assistance. If the parent is trying to stay within the framework of orthodox religion, would ask her confessor council if he could turn to a psychologist and not receive such a blessing, a child left without professional help. His 18-year-old son, whom I once pulled out of the sect, and later discovered in one of the Orthodox churches, I say simply: "God - is the most significant, the most important projection of personality, its willingness to higher acceptance and absolute, unconditional Love.

This relationship and this hope in a person need only be strengthened. But since the orthodox religion have proliferated, the number of methods how to strengthen man's faith in itself and deny him the right to their own lives has increased significantly. Choosing a reputable counselor, you will largely decide the fate of her child. Please be careful. Not every child is ready for serious internal testing, and ceremonial life, prescribed by our religion, may remain incomprehensible and frightening newcomer. Attention! This is especially true for children with a rich imagination and a penchant for fantasy. Artistically gifted children differ elevated neurotism and anxiety.

World and so awash fears. Whether to suppress a child's psyche and even the notion of total dependence on the heavenly powers, the punishment which can be fatal? In this regard the Christian religion can not agree. Does God laugh, watching the harmony and balance in the world (Catholicism)? Or is he looking at us sternly and harshly, threatening finger, and is the latest and unquestioned authority (Orthodox)? Or God is ready to cooperate with reasonable and obedient boys and girls, help the weak (Protestant)? I have long lived in Catholic France, Protestant America and all the while returning to his homeland.

Personally, my impression is that Orthodox Christianity - for very strong, able to withstand the most severe tests of people Catholicity - for people who mean the psychological strength and moderate ambitions, and Protestantism - the weak, but not lazy. All the time we relocate to the highest achievements and reach its goal, although at great cost. Cosmos, ballet, movies, hockey ... All the time we want to be the best. The best is always a little bit. So what, this world and this life is only for them to elect? And the rest do not like, do not want to be happy, do not do nothing worthwhile?
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