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Protsessnik and rezultatnik

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Protsessnik and rezultatnik

People are divided into adults and children. And yet - at protsessnikov and rezultatnikov. With protsessnikami, I am sure you are familiar with. These are normal people who do not like to strain, who like to entertain themselves and do not like to think about the purpose and result. They are cute, but always a little child. Rezultatnik of life is less common, but the impression of a more adult. Rezultatniku not so important, it will be easy or difficult - it is able to overcome the difficulties - it is most important to understand: "Why?" In the name of what? That should stay as a result? "

For example, if the owner decided to bake a pancake, it will have a pleasant chores of cooking (the process) and it will get pancakes (this result). Now: one careful owner bakes delicious pancakes, because home to feed and they like the pancakes. Another thoughtful hostess just loves pancakes, she always bakes them and bake as much as she likes. A home ... A home should be easy to eat all the pancakes: "Well, for whom I have them ready?"

Protsessnik goes into the street, because weather is fine, and walk out there to attract the soul and the road. Rezultatnik looking for window dressing for the weather and go where it is necessary, in the case. Protsessnika for determining the force - the weather, for rezultatnika weather - a condition which can be important. You have decided to read this book to improve their lives. If, after each page you stop yourself, ask: "What I got? How can I use it? "- You rezultatnik. If you read page after page, because: "I wonder! Wow! It's exciting! "- You protsessnik.

Think about profitability protsessniku not close. Its what is carried away - all he really! - And assume the acquisition and loss of ... - so to hell with them, have a drink and forget it! Protsessnik and in need of time management and internal rejects him. He is easier to perform feats of labor and then a week to roll after him, doing nothing: "You know me that nothing is inspiring ..." - than to work in a measured, executing plans. Protsessniki do not like puzzle yourself goals, all the more clear and specific objectives: at best they set themselves the border: "I'll deal with those securities from lunch until you do." Clear and specific goals, fixing the future result, set themselves the only rezultatniki - and you know what these people a little bit. Protsessnik close Slavic mentality, rezultatnik closer to the Western mentality.

When hiring distinguish rezultatnika from protsessnikov by specifying, for example, the question: "How do you see yourself in three years?" Protsessnik say: "I will respect that I will have an interesting job." "I would be the director of sales" - the answer rezultatnika. Protsessnik on their own is not writing a work plan and deeds for the day, and so it floats from event to event, the rezultatnika there is usually a written plan of affairs today.

If protsessnika train, he will also write things on the day, but its business and affairs rezultatnika sound differently. On paper (or in Outlook `s) both can be expressed briefly:" Ivanov "," Petrov "," The Meeting ", but the oral interpretation of them is usually different. Protsessnik explained: "will call Ivanov. Talk with Petrov. Hold a meeting. " Rezultatnik same works for the day to tell another: "doge Ivanov before ordering. Get information from Petrov. At a meeting to kick-start the project. "

Usually our environment - it really protsessniki. But we can not say that rezultatnik always better than protsessnik: more and more interesting. Rezultatnikov the vision of goals to be achieved.

We are all so different

Protsessnik and rezultatnik , what are they? We can distinguish three categories protsessnikov: responsible, thoughtless and seekers of happiness. Responsible protsessnik - is, for example, an accountant who is engaged in its bookkeeping and quarterly reports, simply because it should always be done, and done good. Even when no one needs ...

Mindless protsessnik ready to dig here until the afternoon. Where to dig, why dig? "I do not know. Said - that's digging ... "For him, everything is simple: as goes - and goes. For seekers of happiness is not important, what to do and what the main thing - if a process gives them the joy of life, fullness, feeling of power and meaning. Walk through the woods, talking, laughing with friends, squinting in the sun - and only be in it, not thinking about problems and worries of tomorrow.

Rezultatniki also vary, and it's not just that one of them for rescue officers, and another - raider ... Someone in the mode of a rhinoceros rushing, prolamyvayas obstacles, who is difficult maneuvers, using current and wind, but they all share one thing: vision goals to be achieved. And the happiness and joy of life for them just a resource tool only, only way to travel. To better target to go briskly - the energy of joy helps to go faster, but if happiness is on the left and right of the desired result, then rezultatnik not confuse the right and left will not go. Anyone who rested aims at happiness, and it all the time looking, happy is very rare.

Generalists and nihilists

The saddest thing - to be nihilists, when the process is not motivated ("I do not want to!"), The process is not happy (with Schoo chno! "), And the result is even more indifferent (" And the fig? "). Life "betwixt and between." If a person in such a sad existence to meet rezultatnikom, the usual result will be confusion and irritation. The only reference to it seems an attractive state protsessnika: all the same and there is joy, and the case though as that goes, and most importantly, especially the strain is not necessary.

Business people respect rezultatnikov. Nihilists like protsessnikov. Nihilists believe: "Life, it is real life - when it kicks on the process!" Yes, this is the position protsessnika. Position rezultatnika: "Life, it is real life - when it was something real to do!" It is true that rezultatniki, resting in achieving their goals, often deprive themselves of happiness. This fact is not news. A protsessniki because they are focused on happiness, snatching moments of happiness itself faster.

Focused on results, do not forget to breathe in happiness!

Firstly, there is another rule: the one who rested aims at happiness, and it all the time looking, happy is very rare. One of the surest ways to kill the joy of life - it's time to ask himself: "And now I'm happy? And now? "Secondly, the experience of happiness as a goal in life is not. More precisely, we can be, but maybe not. Protsessniku like this experience - this is its value. Rezultatniku important results and experiences in the second turn.

The right thing to cultivate a universal: always be aimed at the result and at the same time catching constantly surrounding us moments of happiness. And in order to reach universal faster, better start with the development of a quality rezultatnika: rezultatniki generalists if desired, become easy, but protsessniki - if only by accident. Because they float through life and aims to put not know how. If you have a beginning and protsessnika and rezultatnika, determined, who will themselves develop. My recommendation: let your first step will be to the side rezultatnika. - Only the correct rezultatnika!
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