Psalm 139
Lord, I cry unto thee, hearken unto me: attend to the voice of my supplications, when I vozzvati mi to you. Let my prayer as incense before thee, vozdeyanie my hands - an evening sacrifice. Positive, O Lord, storage ustom mine, the door of my interpretations. Incline not my heart to evil, guilt about nepschevati greseh personals workers of iniquity, and found to be elected by them. Punish me righteous mercy and reprove me, oil is not a sinner yeah Namaste chapter moeya, Thou still my prayer in their benevolence. Donate things were at their rock of Judge: hear my verb, for they vozmogosha. Jako thickness of the graying of the earth on land rastochishasya their bones in hell. Yako to Thee, O Lord, Lord, my eyes: on Thee relying, not otymi my soul. Keep me from the network, yuzhe sostavisha mi, and the temptation of evildoers. Fall in mrezhu their sinful: the only az am, till Praed.