Psalm 49
Lord God of gods, a verb and called upon the earth from the sun east to west. From the grandeur of Zion, His beauty. Java God will come, our God, and not premolchit: fire kindled before him, and dubbed it the storm zelna. Call heaven and earth than razsuditi His people. Collect It prepodobnyya his zaveschayuschyya his covenant of the victims. And the heavens shall declare His righteousness, as God is the Judge. Hear ye people are mine, and vozglagolyu you, Israel, and testify to you: God, God, am your Az. Not the victims of thy rebuke thee, as thy burnt offerings are before me pull out. Do not Take from the home of your calves, lower from your herds of goats. Jako My essence, all ye beasts of the groves, cattle and oxen in the mountains. Postural all birds of heaven, and the beauty selnaya with me there. Ashche vzalchu, not the river you: My Beau is the universe and the fullness thereof. Eating meat yuncha wells or blood of goats Pius? Pozhri Gods sacrifice of praise and prayers of thy most high vozdazhd. And call for Mn in times of trouble come, and cha ism and proslavishi me. Sinner same reche God: Why dost thou povedaeshi excuse my and my covenant vospriemleshi usty yours? You hate thou hast rejected the sentence and the words of my back. If thou hast seen the thief, streaming thou with him, and with adulterers thou hast believed your participation. Your mouth umnozhisha malice, and thy tongue felt spletashe lscheniya. Dwelleth between, for thy brother and hast slandered mother's son of thy thought thou temptation. And this hast Thou made them, and keep silence, voznepscheval Thou iniquity, for they will like you. Rebuke thee, and will present before thee thy sins. Mind UBO rium, zabyvayuschii God, but not when the snatch, and will not izbavlyayay. Sacrifice of praise will glorify Me, customs and way imzhe show him my salvation.