These of course are considered scams. The psychic experts that do have web sites and are truly authentic can often times prove that they are by doing simple readings for people, or prove their certification through the government. Although unfortunately many of the psychic experts on the Internet will not do this because if they do, there will be virtually no end to the comments and questions they will receive. Anything from finding a loved one, to financial advice, to which horse is going to win a race! In these situations online psychic experts do not want to offer their services for this way.
Most psychic experts will offer their services on a lower profile than those who are not authentic or registered through the government. This allows them to be free of unwanted solicitation from individuals that literally want to abuse the concept that there are authentic psychic experts in society today.
With this in mind, these psychic experts would rather do more good, than give futile advice, or readings. The psychic experts would much rather give information that is conclusive and of value or worth to the individual as a part of their life.
Not on how to get rich, or communicate with dead people, these psychic experts want to be just as normal as any other person however with the capability of offering valuable information to those who ask.
On a different scale however, those who are running psychic experts scams are those who will ultimately tell you your “bright” future in a heart beat. For a fee of course for their information about your future. However, true authentic psychic experts want to get more information about what it is you want to know in order to give an accurate reading. Some psychic experts will even wait a day or two to give you any type of reading at all.
When the individual is scammed that looks bad on the genuine psychic experts too, and believe it or not they do not like it when others who do not have this gift or talent “pose” as having the gift or ability. And, in addition this makes the psychic experts look back in the eyes of society both via the Internet and out in the world.
Unfortunately, just like anything else of this nature, it is very easy to scam individuals with false information, so it is best to find or attempt to find a psychic expert that is truly authentic. One that is either registered through the government or has proven their capabilities and are well known by the government or society.