Psychological assistance to disadvantaged classes
Working with high school students conducted at the class level within three to four weeks. For this purpose, any afternoon released a "window" in the school timetable. When working with high school students requires a fundamentally different approach. Conducted a week long seminar. Theme: "Aggression and Violence" is studied for three or four consecutive days. With respect to the youngsters the team of experts likewise present themselves as if they were in no way inferior to the gang leader, behave in an authoritarian emphasized, but the nature of all subsequent work with the class different. Typically, stories are giving way to direct the topic, "frontal" attack.
At this age, students are already capable of introspection. They start wondering about themselves, their place in the group and the role they play in it. Psychological help disadvantaged classes is to address precisely these abilities and their properties. The practice is conclusively demonstrated the willingness of many young men and women think seriously about matters related to group dynamics. When working with high school students in the foreground of graffiti. Classes are offered to develop a sketch of the joint graffiti. Students spontaneously split into groups, offering his vision panels. Participants of each group give the paint spray guns. Required of them at first granted by artistic means to produce a sketch, and then try to defend it.

However, the expert team saved up in this way the various traps. For example, one group receives the sprinklers with dried paint, the other group under the guise of dispensers are issued as soda cans, all the rest was left with nothing, since all the nozzles are not enough. Thanks to all these disturbances staged the conflict situation. One member of the expert team sets in the room camera to film the entire process of the class. After the events of the footage in order to further show selected the most important scenes. Criterion for the selection of episodes for the expert team serves as a manifestation of the devil, the most typical of the group dynamics of this class.
On the second day of classes say that in every group, its members begin to play different roles, and how it happens. Explaining to students the specifics of four or five roles, we show them the video footage before, and offer each to determine the role it plays in the classroom. During the second videotape showing the task to try to determine the roles played by students. The aim of these exercises is to help teens think about their behavior, define its role in the classroom and realize the fact of his involvement in the processes of group dynamics.
After the completion of joint work or seminar group leaders urge children to observe the agreements reached and say goodbye to them, promising to return in three to four months to see how things work in the classroom. It is important that children know: expert team will have them again. After completing the first phase of work with children head an expert group continues to maintain contact with the teacher. Communication with the teacher can carry out authorized for this purpose, a school psychologist. During regular meetings, they discuss the situation and the dynamics of attitudes in the classroom. It is a long-term process. Observe whether students reached an agreement? What is your reaction to the new style of teaching?
Often, after two or three weeks, the teacher allows himself to relax. If the class is relaxed, then the danger remains that the teacher would forget about the mutual agreement reached between him and the class. "If the deal went smoothly, which makes me continue to be limited to a set of specially stipulated penalties or to look at innovation as a" sacred cow "?" Assuming that the problem has been solved, many teachers believe possible for her to return to the old, familiar to them and certainly more convenient routine manner of teaching. Unfortunately, they are mistaken: the old problems quickly make themselves felt. Therefore, during this intermediate phase should be to prevent the teacher to step on the same rake.
The same is true of the class. Endurance and strength are needed here, no less. Often, the head of the expert team can advise to a number of conversations with the class (two or three interviews), we will discuss the agreements reached during the workshop. The conversation takes place in the absence of teachers. Pupils experts say their demands and wishes, and share with him their fears. The expert, on the other hand, reminds the children about the agreements that were reached.
Final theses
Psychological assistance to disadvantaged classes is characterized as follows:
1.Rabota expert group focused on finding a class of its own resources: it initiates a change of mental attitude of students, allowing the class to find their own solution. It is about strengthening the positions of those students who are able to positively influence the environment in the classroom and are endowed with the peacekeeping potential, know how to resolve conflicts through peaceful means and as a result of the right to vote goes from troubled teens to the children, well adapted to the team.
2.In the course of the campaign of psychological support no one should stay away: requires the active participation of parents, students, school administrators and teachers a hard class.
3.Basic attention is paid to individual students, and the rest of the class as a whole. Often at the conclusion of a complex of measures for the psychological rehabilitation of the class turns possession of a student's most personal problems, but the correction of the behavior of these students goes beyond the tasks facing the team.
4.Mifodrama - a statement of horror stories and share the discussion - to help students recognize the presence of the other side of human existence, which is associated with a sense of worry. The only means to resist the onslaught of the dark and ugly sides of our nature - to take their challenge and get to meet him with open visor, ie with a clear awareness of enemy forces.
5.Preodolenie violence and aggression in school is achievable if there is a consensus with the students and not against their will. Psychological help give impetus to children, allowing them to independently tackle violence and aggression.