Psychological portrait of your mate
Very often the relationship with someone you love deteriorate due to the fact that we simply can not understand, and that he, indeed, wants from me? A lot of people, but all can be divided into specific types. Men may be different. Defining the main intentions of men and how you can hold it, you will increase the chance that you'll be a very long time together. Everyone at least occasionally thought about why with some people he finds a common language quite easily, quickly and easily, while the other initially appear noticeable tension and antipathy. Most likely in this case, just present the problem of psychological inconsistency. And in love, this phenomenon could lead to truly dramatic consequences. There are several types of men who oharakterizovyvayut their basic character traits addiction, as well as the possible causes of discord in the relationship. Try to determine the psychological profile of your mate .
The first such type is the adventurer. For him, a perfectly ordinary state is searching for something better and new. But such men may have complexes about the fact that he can become a victim of someone's cold calculation, he is afraid to be used. Adventurer seeks his ideal, but that often remain unfulfilled. Disappointment in each of the new woman is simply inevitable. Do not have time to get better relations with a woman as he tries to leave her for another, as it seems, the best. At the meeting, and with further communication of such a man behaving like a male. As a rule, he did not pay attention to the interests of his partner's more important to him that she could play by his rules. But at the same time, this man can give a woman an unforgettable experience, to tear her away from everyday reality. It can humble, shy girl turned into a liberation of the woman, but also, with equal probability, may contribute to the fact that it will close even more confident. The main disadvantages of an adventurer, of course, is disingenuous and impermanence.

Such men are seeking to establish its authority in all aspects of life. Vikings - a man with a very strong constitution, they are endowed with great physical strength. All this is naturally not only because of nature's bounty, but also because of a conscious desire to become a Viking even stronger. He clearly understands that the weak under no circumstances did not establish its authority over someone, and strength in its interpretation - is the force of muscle. A sense of pride and dignity that dominated in every movement and act Viking, never allow him to demonstrate his own weakness, impotence and pain, and therefore, men of this type fairly quickly forget that represent these feelings. Like all invaders, Viking - a dedicated owner. He was confident that his woman is wholly owned by him alone, for it will do everything to ensure that no one had any desire to encroach upon it. But even though a love of adventure, Viking can be faithful to a single woman during the time when they would support her close relationship. Absolutely the same behavior he awaits her.
By their nature, all men, belong to the described type, fundamentally and deeply passive. This position is expressed in the quest to find the woman who would have commanded them, especially that would showed any initiative that would have pointed the way, gave orders, made him the choice and make all the decisions. Strong and caring "mom" should always be near or at the very least, on the first call find yourself next to him. Man-boy in particular need of constant approval from their partner. If he fails in sex, it necessarily becomes for him a real tragedy. Need to admire and marvel at his actions that he performs in bed to be with him, and thus keep him that same desire to necessarily conform to the image of Superman, as well as to smooth over his painful feelings. Men-boys, as children seldom remember their wrongs inflicted deliberately, but in their subconscious may well stay any situation that has become for them a real shock. Natura "boy" is that he is able to forgive and forget a lot, but here at the same time can remember the damage it once the pain.
Another type is a manipulator of men. The dominant behavior of a representative of this type is a mix of narcissism, and the sadistic attitude towards others, but not limited to masochistic self-flagellation. In certain situations it can stand with head held high, enjoying the fact that entangled his next victim with their enchantments, and dragged her into their games, but the next minute he seems confused and is like a child who is deprived of sweets for dessert. If you order it, it will sweep you without hesitation gust of sudden violence. Manipulator never in my life and would never forgive his woman if she suddenly starts to show a visible resistance to it, that means trying to get out from under his authority. It is understood that the resistance can be absolutely invisible at first glance, but actually any, even the slightest signs of disobedience will be perceived as an obvious threat to his unwavering power over her, and quite logical that it could shake the faith in himself. Consequently, he immediately tries to part with this special, no matter how comfortable and attractive it may seem to him earlier.
Man-dreamer - this is another psychological type. It is characterized by excessive self-absorbed, as well as to their feelings. He was very hard to find at least some common ground with others. Precisely because of this sexual relationship is more represented dreamer continuous disappointment, but on and dangerous. He rarely feels completely secure, and its nature is often characterized neurosality, uncertainty and imbalance. Often the dreamer wants the impossible and deliberately creates around itself a situation in which he has to show all his helplessness. All these qualities equally characterize and his sexual relationships. Dreamer can attract only a gentle, chaste and caring woman. For him, women are the main advantages of modesty, good manners, lack of aggression and passion. These qualities can guarantee the dreamer that the relationship with each individual woman will not bring him trouble. Similarly, a woman will be able to get his attention thanks to the extraordinary care, lavishly displayed by his side.
Traditionalists tend presence unshakeable stereotypes that were formed in early youth and have not experienced the singular significant changes throughout its life. Love for him is not something special, enigmatic and mysterious, he is convinced that it should is accomplished at a predetermined scheme, ie roughly as it was 200 or 300 years ago. In the traditionalist interpretation of the man to symbolize the active principle, and a woman - naturally passive. And so any deviation from the strictly established schemes knock him off balance, he considers them to be unnatural, and from this and unacceptable. In relationships, just as in love, he is stronger than all values of rationalism with all the ensuing consequences. Traditionalists in the first place attracted the stability and reliability. He can not start a romantic relationship for too short a time, it has knock him out of a rut. Man-traditionalist believes it is important to spend a lot of emotions of love, in this context it is very scare and alienate too passionate and fiery woman, while a calm, even a little cool temperament seems to him most attractive.