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Psychological roles or masks that we put

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Psychological roles or masks that we put

You do this every day: put on a mask, remove it, try on another. Why and what we play. Out there that can give one or another role and then deny? Try to understand.

In the morning when you collect their children to school - you are definitely caring mother. At work - Strict but fair boss, or employee of Carefree. At lunchtime, you will most likely - a good friend. Night - The hot mistress. How many roles can fit in one person, and which of them - himself?

Psychologists say that a game for women - is the state of her soul. We are more likely than men to make a choice role consciously. Male half of humanity rarely takes the trouble to someone else to represent, to this they do not have neither the desire nor the patience nor the energy. Yes, and just too lazy. Women also transformed the ability of most and best manifested in the field of household - there can be, we can develop into full glory. Even if we have a bad mood, we always find the strength to smile to your child, playing the role of an exemplary and loving mother, we always remain excellent cooks, empathetic women. And it is our feminine quality, a certain flexibility and accuracy in the family sphere is the result of execution of the role of a more general - homemakers, to which we are preparing for since childhood.

Get used to the new images!

Immediately is stipulated that the different directions of psychology the term "role" is defined differently. If we speak generally, masks, we dress for ourselves - is what gives meaning to our lives, so how are we exactly identify with the roles that currently perform. Man Without a role - is the man who was unable to find meaning in their lives, to realize themselves in any sphere. In this case, we never stop on any one role. After all, even the great and talented actor should periodically to rest. And the best holiday - a change of activity, there is a new role, a new mask.

For a man normally depending on the specific situation to try on any of the masks. The main thing to understand, consciously if he wears those masks or not.

Consider an example. At the meeting, a solid director calls on a cell phone. Suddenly he begins to yell at his companion, turning away from his colleagues at 180 degrees. After the end of the conversation, he turns to his colleagues and with a smile apologetically, said that talking to truck drivers, which other language just does not understand. Does the director on the telephone? Sure. If this game has brought him a favor? The answer is unequivocal - yes, because the understanding was reached, which means that the game worth the candle.

Ability to enter into an image - a very valuable skill that can be useful also when you build a global plan for life. How best to choose a role that will be helpful for you? First of all it depends on what your interests are. If you want to achieve great success on the basis of entrepreneurial activity, we must learn from an early age to try on the mask of the leader - among friends and classmates at public events, and so on.

If you dream of a creative profession, it is worth to try on the creative style of living that will create a certain atmosphere around you and will more fully grasp the image. But do not confuse the role of, and copying! The copying, imitation, even though the studio - is a direct path to addiction, and every role is good only if it is individual.

Dangerous and imposed

Playing, you can open in a new way to find new dignity in his personality. But any role becomes dangerous when you forget that this is just a role and allow the mask to completely take possession of your personality. Can cite the example of theater actors, some of which are so get used to, requires a huge emotional stress that violate their psyche and fell into the psychiatric clinic.

One of the most dangerous roles include the role that you play a perfect - a mother, wife, girlfriend, or a subordinate chief. The mistake that you make, getting down this road lies in the fact that you originally choose for themselves the image of an unattainable, an image that requires the maximum stress, but in the end result you will not be able to achieve is just as impossible to achieve the ideal. Try to revise all of their "masks" and find out whether you have similar roles? If any, set to install - just enough to be good: mom girlfriend, wife. Reserves the right to make mistakes.

No less dangerous, and the roles that are imposed on you, which are dictated by only a desire of others. So often friends and relatives tell you what you should be, how to behave and so on. If you choose to accept such roles, you choose for themselves the path where you have to cheat, you meet the imposed stereotypes, and as a consequence, lose their mental balance and calm.

So try to understand whether there is in your arsenal imposed roles. If there are, immediately get rid of them. Try to find a compromise between their own desires, aspirations and desires of those around you.

Adult Games

Psychologists advise: In order to achieve peace of mind, balance, in order to better understand their desire to overcome the complex, you can use role-playing therapy. The principle of this therapy is that a person knowingly to get used to a role. For example, insecure girl who is difficult to communicate with the opposite sex, may choose to have a mask enslaver men's hearts. For this girl is prescribed image in every detail, comes up with a name, character, behavior, and it is under the supervision of a psychologist is rehearsing the role together with other participants of this experiment. As a result - even after several such sessions, she quite calmly talking to strangers young people.

Also similar technique is often used in working with people who have experienced deep trauma. So, being included in such a game, man is able to analyze the situation from the outside, to experience it differently, with different, positive this time, the outcome.

Also, role-playing is used in conflicts within the family. Wife swap roles and recite their problems from the person of the opposite sex, which helps us to understand each other better. However, be aware that such methods should be used only under the supervision of specialists!

Be real!

Have you ever noticed the fact that school teachers pets tend to become, not excellent, botany, and varmint and hooligans. Being a good student does not always mean being a good person, and vice versa, bullies sometimes cause sympathy of his sincerity. Flimsy roles are rarely sincere, but the naturalness always attracts and fascinates. So try to find a proper way that matches your aspirations. Go for it!

What roles do I play?

Try a calm environment to analyze all the roles that you use in life, and with what people what mask you use. List these roles at the paper, choose from among them those who are closest to you and pleasant. Get rid of those masks that are imposed on you that cause you discomfort. Sometimes it is not easy, but eventually you will find yourself this, will become more free and happy. Yes, there are situations when it is impossible to get rid of the role, just be aware of such moments that you just play, you're an actress.

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